Chapter 1

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I do not own Kuroko no Basket and so as the cover photo of this story. :)

A/N:  Hello readers!!  This is my first time writing a fanfic story so please bear with me. I know for sure that there will be a lot of grammatical errors and typos so please please :) :)

P.S. Forgive me, the characters in some parts of the the story are not really characterized as on how they act in the anime..

That's it! Have a nice time reading this story.


Kuroko's POV

I woke up from the small kisses planted on my face. "Hmm.." I opened my eyes and saw my red-headed lover smiling widely as he leaned forward and give me a peck on the lips. "Good morning sleepyhead."

"Good morning too, Sei-kun." I replied as I cuddled up on him. He instinctively wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair.

We stayed in that position for quite some time. Completely contented hugging each other until Sei-kun's phone rang.

"Akashi Seijuro speaking..... I'll be there in 30 minutes.. Okay." Sei-kun ended the call and turned to face me. "Something urgent in the office?" I asked as I slowly sat up.

Sei-kun let out a faint sigh. "Some foreign investors came and they need me there," he stated as he walk towards the bathroom and shut the door.

I jumped out of bed and went to the kitchen to cook something for breakfast. As soon as I finished putting the pancakes on the plate, I saw Sei-kun hurriedly walking down the stairs.

"Oh, Sei-kun. Breakfast is ready."

"I'm sorry Tetsu, but I really need to go. I'll make it up to you, promise." He kissed my forehead and bid me goodbye.

I sighed as I watch my lover disappear from the door.

- - - Time Skip - - -

Surprisingly the meeting ended up early. "Thank you so much Hitachi-san," Akashi uttered and shaked hands with their new investors.

As soon as Akashi reached his office. He snatched his phone from his pocket and searched for the teal-head's number.

To: My Empress, My Everything

Let's have dinner together. I'll pick you up at 6:00.

As the mesage was sent, Akashi sat down on his swivel chair with a wide smile.

- - -At Akashi Mansion - - -

Kuroko was busy reading a book given to him by Akashi. It was a novel written by Susan Mallery, one of his favorite author, entitled "Almost Perfect". He was so engrossed with the story when he felt his phone vibrated. Kuroko set aside the book he was holding and opened his phone. A message from his lover popped out.

From: My Beloved Emperor

Let's have dinner together. I'll pick you up at 6:00.

Kuroko glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was exatly 5:30 in the afternoon. So he decided to take a bath and dress up early.

While picking up a skyblue shirt, Kuroko couldn't help remembering about the events after their last game. A gentle smile slowly carving in his face.

After the game they had with the American team, Jabberwock, they all returned to their normal lives. Kuroko being with his basketball team, Seirin. Unfortunately, Kagami-kun is no longer with them since he has to go back to the U.S. to pursue his dream on becoming an NBA player. But everyone was not mad at him for leaving them, infact their all happy for him.

The Generation of Miracles also were back in hanging out with each other. And they all became so close again, especially Akashi and Kuroko, which ended up with their relationship now. Everything went smoothly and they all graduated in college and landed themselves with good jobs.

Three months after their graduation, Akashi asked Kuroko to live with him since everyone is already aware of their relationship, even their parents approved of it. Kuroko didn't hesitate and agreed to the proposal of Akashi for he always missed the emperor.

Kuroko's thoughts was interupted by the screeching sound of a car infront of the mansion. He knew it was his beloved emperor so he hurriedly went down to meet him.

- - - Time Skip - - -

Akashi was focusedly driving their way home when he accidentally glanced at the passenger seat only to see his teal-headed lover busy looking at the city lights by the window.

"Is there something wrong, Sei-kun?" Kuroko asked bluntly as he turned to face the red-headed emperor.

Akashi met the gaze of Kuroko. "Nothing in particular. It's just that I figured out something while watching you."

"Hmm.. And what did you find out?" The blue-headed boy asked. Curiosity evident in his voice.

"Well I figured out that you're more beautiful compared to the city lights that you're admiring a while ago."

Kuroko felt his face heat up. The emperor seeing the teal-head blush cupped his lover's face and whispered, "I love you so much, Tetsuya." Akashi leaned slowly to Kuroko and planted a soft kiss in his lips. completely diving into their own wolrds that Akashi forgot that he was driving. Just as Kuroko was about to close his eyes and respond to it he saw a bright light rushing towards them. It was too late when he realized that the light was coming from an eighteen wheeler truck. He quickly hugged Akashi putting himself infront to protect his beloved just as the truck crashed into their car.

Akashi could hear the sound of the ambulance approaching the area.

"Tet.. su.. ya." Was the last word uttered by the red-headed emperor before his vision turned black.

- - - - -

"Shin-chan, are you alright?" Takao hurried to Midorima's office as he heard a loud shattering sound only to find the green-head picking up broken pieces of glass on the floor. "What happened?" he worriedly asked as he approached him and helped.

"It's nothing nanodayo. It hust slipped off my hand nanodayo," the green-head answered. Takao was about to speak again when a nurse scurriedly walked into Midorima's office.

"Doctor, you are needed in the emergency room. There were four people who got into a car accident. Two of them were badly injured." Upon hearing the news Midorima suddenly felt nervous and an image of his former teammate, Kuroko suddenly flushed in his mind.

"Let's go, Takao nanodayo." Midorima stated as they hurriedly went to the emergency room.

- - -

A/N: And there you go. Waaahh! What do you think of the story? Comments, suggestions, and  violent reactions are all welcome.  :)

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