Chapter 7

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Akashi's POV

I was halfway home when suddenly my phone rang. I was surprised to see the name of the caller.

"What is it Shintaro? Did something happen to Tetsuya?"

"Tetsuya's gone missing, Akashi nanodayo. I went to do my rounds and I saw the door of his room half opened. When I opened it, Kuroko was no longer in there."

"What the hell happened?"

"I don't also know nanodayo, so hurry back here. Kuroko is not on a good state to be stressed right now."

"I'll be there, right away." I ended up the call.

"Return back to the hospital. Hurry!"

"Yes, Akashi-sama."

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As soon as I got back at the hospital, I immediately went to Kuroko's room. There I saw Shintaro, Ryota, Daiki and Kagami.

"Where is he? How did this happened?"

Shintaro handed over to his phone. "I got a copy of the CCTV footage from the guards and apparently, I think Kuroko was held captive by an anonymous guy who disguised himself as a nurse. That's why nobody noticed nor suspected him."

"Who could this be? What does he want with Tetsuya?"

"Akashicchi, I don't think he is after Kurokocchi. Here, he left a letter; well it's addressed to you."

I took the letter from Ryota and read it.

If you want to see him, meet me at the abandoned warehouse at Harajuku Takeshita Street. Only you must be there or else who knows what might happen to Kuroko. It's payback time, Akashi Seijuro.

Upon I finished reading the note, my phone suddenly rang. I immediately snatched it out of my pocket. It was a call from an unregistered number. I quickly turned it on in speaker mode.

"Who's this?" I heard the other person on the line laughed. "What did you do to Tetsuya?" He didn't answer any of my question, but told me to follow what he wrote on that note or else Tetsuya would be in trouble. "Who the hell are you? What do you want? Why – Hello! Hello!" That goddamn bastard. How dare he hung up on me.

"Shintaro, Ryota, Daiki and Kagami, I need your help."


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Unknown's POV

I parked my car at an abandoned warehouse. I went out of the car and opened the back sit. . "Still sleeping eh." I carried my pawn down to the underground.

"You're here. And guess you carried out the plan well." I ignored what he said and walked directly on a stage and place my hostage there. "Looks like everything's turning out as you planned." He foolishly laughed.

"Yeah. And now, let's call our real target." I snatched my phone and dialed his number.

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