Chapter 6

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A/N: Hi guys!! So in chapters 4,5 and maybe also in 6. The ideas were not purely mine 😊😊.. Well as you can see, there's this one fanfic I read regarding KnB about male pregnancy and it was really good but the sad thing is the author didn't finish the story. So that's when an idea popped up into my mind to write my own story of KnB male pregnancy. 😊😊

So credits to the author of that fanfic (which I forgot the name, gomen 😭)

By the way, enjoy reading minna 😊😊

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- - Time Skip - -

(Kuroko is now on his second trimester. He's already on his fifth month going six.)

Kuroko's POV

I was busy preparing the ingredients needed for my cooking when suddenly I felt a sharp pain down on my abdomen. I breath in and breath out to calm myself while rubbing my baby bump which is now slightly visible. Good thing the pain had gone right away.

I continued what I'm doing and set aside what happened. While I was busy setting up the table for breakfast, two arms gently wrapped around my stomach.

"Good morning, Sei-kun."

"Good morning Tetsuya and good morning little miracle." He gently caressed my bump. "Hmm.. Such delicious smell. Did you prepare all these?"

"Yes, I did. Take your seat Sei-kun, i'll just go get the rice." Sei-kun gladly complied to my request.

I gently opened the lid of the rice cooker when suddenly I felt that sharp pain again down my abdomen, causing the lid to fell from my hand and get the attention of Sei-kun.

"Are you alright, Tetsuya?" Akashi worriedly asked and was about to run towards me. "Y-yes. I-i'm okay, Sei. It just slipped from my hold. Gomen." I was about to flash a smile to assure him that I'm fine when I felt another wave of pain, much more painful than the previous ones causing me to cry out in pain. "Hah! S-sei - "

"Tetsuya!" Sei-kun hurriedly aproached me and tried to comfort me but to no avail the pain was becoming unbearable. "S-sei-kun - " I cried out Sei-kun's name as another wave of pain striked. I grabbed Sei-kun's shirt and hugged him as tight as I could. And there was it again, another wave of pain. "Hah hnn hah . . " I can no longer tolerate the pain. I was beginning to feel lightheaded and the last thing I heard was Sei-kun calling me.

" Tetsuya, hold on! I'm bringing you to the hospital. Shit, now you're having a nosebleed!"

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Akashi's POV

It had been hours since we arrived in this hospital and until now I haven't heard any news about Tetsuya and our baby's condition. I feel so useless. I can't do anything to help him or to help our little angel.

"Akashi-sama, do you want to eat or drink something? You've been standing here for almost three hours."

"No, thank you. I'm still full. I'll stay and wait here." I didn't bother to spare a single glance to my butler. "I'll take my leave then, sir." I just nodded in reply.

I glanced at the emergency room and once more sighed. What's taking them so long? What's happening with Tetsuya and my child. Damn it, I feel anxious as time passes by.

After one more hour, I heard the emergency room's door open up. I quickly scamper towards Shintaro. "How are they? Are they safe? Where's Tetsuya?"

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