Chapter 3

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A/N: Hello minna! 😊😊 This is going to be a short update but still, I hope you'll all like it.

Have a nice day reading! 😉😉

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After a week of being unconscious, Kuroko suddenly woke up due to the urge of throwing up. Luckily a nurse was passing by the ICU that moment and he saw the teal-head. He hurriedly called Midorima to check up on Kuroko.

"Are you feeling better nanodayo?" the green-headed doctor asked as he helped Kuroko position his back on his bed after throwing up.

"Yes, just a little bit dizzy," the teal-head replied almost wisphering.

"Your vitals are all stable, we'll transfer you to a new room later. But for now, rest some more nanodayo. I'll be back to check on you later nanodayo. And by that time, the results of your tests are maybe there already nanodayo," Midorima stated as he walked towards the door. Midorima looked back to face Kuroko, "By the way, good to see you awake Kuroko nanodayo." The green-head stated before shutting he door as a little smile began to fluster in his face.

- - - Time Skip - - -

Kuroko was halfway sitted in his bed when the door of his room suddenly opened revealing his lover, Akashi.

"Sei-" Kuroko was cut off from forming his sentence as Akashi rushed into his bed ang hugged him tightly making him wince on the little pain he felt.

"I'm sorry, Tetsu. I was just so happy when Shintaro called me awhile ago saying  that you're already awake." Akashi spoked as he loosen the hug.

"It's okay, Sei-kun. I'm so glad to see you too."  The two enveloped again in each others arms, but this time it was Kuroko who pulled Akashi into a hug.

"Sorry to interrupt your sweet moment lovebirds but I need to discuss something very important regarding Kuroko's situation nanodayo," Midorima stated as he entered inside the room while readjusting his glasses.

"Forgive us Shintaro. We just missed each other so badly. So, what is it you wanna discuss about Tetsuya? Did the results already came out?" the red-head asked.

Kuroko released Akashi and curiously looked at Midorima. "What is it about my condition that you wanted to discussed Midorima-kun? And what tests are you talking about? Am I still sick or something?" Kuroko asked, curiosity and anxiety evident in his voice.

Midorima sighed before looking intently to his two former teammates. "I don't know if this is bad news or a good news nanodayo. Akashi, remember when I told you that we saw some abnormalities in Kuroko's body nodayo?"

"Yes, I completely remember what you've said last time," Akashi replied.

"The results of his tests were delivered in my office a while ago and it turned out that our speculations regarding Kuroko was correct nanodayo." The green-headed doctor stated.

Kuroko silently glanced to the two, alternately changing his glance as the two take turns in talking.

"I don't want to startle the two of you nanodayo," Midorima shifted his gaze to Kuroko. "Especially, you, Kuroko."

"Do I have some serious illness, Midorima-kun?" Kuroko butt in when he had the chance to talk.

"No, you don't have an illness, Kuroko nanodayo."

"Then what is it, Shintaro?" Akashi interfered.

"Well let's say Kuroko is carrying a precious miracle inside his abdomen right now nanodayo," Midorima stated making the two gentlemen confused.

"What do you mean by that Midorima-kun?" Kuroko asked totally unknowlegeable on as to what the green-head wants to say.

Midorima sighed before uttering the words that bombarded the two gentlemen.

"Kuroko, you're three weeks pregnant."

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A/N: There you have it everyone.. So what do you think about the update?

Comments, suggestions, criticisms and reactions are all welcome so don't be shy to tell me anything regarding this story. 😊😄😉

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