Chapter 5

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Enjoy reading 😊😊

Kuroko's POV

"Good night, little miracle."

Hearing those words from Sei-kun, felt like thousands of torns were pulled out from my chest. 

Without any hesitation, I quickly sat up from the hospital bed and hugged Sei-kun tightly. "We're keeping our little miracle, right Sei-kun?"

Akashi smiled at me and gently nodded. "Yes we will."

After a few more days, Kuroko was finally released from the hospital.

- - -
At Akashi Mansion . . .

Akashi woke up from the spewing sound enveloping their room. He opened his eyes only to find his beloved missing in his side. He immediately stood up and followed the unfamiliar sound, and ended up infront of the bathroom.

"Tetsuya," Akashi called Kuroko worriedly.

Kuroko didn't bother to answer the red-head as he was busy spewing out nothing since he hadn't even eaten something yet.

The emperor held his lover's hand as he gently rubbed the teal-head's back. After fifteen more minutes, Kuroko leaned his back into Akashi's chest, completely worn out from vomiting.

"Tetsuya, are you alright?" Akashi asked enveloping his lover in his arms.

"Yes, just a little bit dizzy," Akashi immediately carried the teal-head back to their bed. While helping Kuroko lay down comfortably, Akashi accidentally came in contact with Kuroko's chest. "Ahhh.. S-sei-kun," The teal-head flinched as he felt a tingling sensation on his nipples.

"What is it, Tetsuya?" Akashi jolted out. "A-ano, my nipples seem to be very sensitive, like their sore or something," the teal-head uttered almost whispering.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch your chest earlier. Does it hurt?" Akashi worriedly asked. "N-no. Not really."
"Okay, so do you want something to eat or drink? I'll get it for you," Akashi stated as he was about to walk towards the door.

"I don't want to eat yet, I just wanna cuddle with you here," Kuroko stated with his cheeks blushing a little.

"If that's what my empress wants," Akashi smiled.

"Don't smile Sei-kun, you look weird," the teal-head murmured as Akashi layed down beside him as careful as to not be able to touch the teal-head's chest again.

"But didn't you said I look even more handsome when I smile," Akashi quizzically stated. Kuroko shook his head no to what the red-head has said. Akashi just put aside his thoughts and stayed quiet.

The two remained cuddled with one another until Kuroko drifted to sleep. Akashi slowly fixed the teal-head's body so that he was lying comfortably on bed. He pulled the sheet until Kuroko's stomach. He caressed the teal-head's abdomen, a smile slowly forming on his lips.

- - -

"Rise and shine, my empress," Akashi whispered as he kissed Kuroko on the cheek to wake the teal-head up.

"Hmm," Kuroko rubbed his eye as the red-headed emperor helped him sat up on the bed. "Did I overslept, Sei-kun?"

Akashi chuckled before messing up the teal-head's messy bed hair. "You did overslept, but just a little. So are you excited for our appointment with Midorima this afternoon?" Akashi smiled widely as he looked at his beautiful lover, sleepiness still evident in his face.

The teal-head's sleepy aura was changed into an irritated one. "Sei-kun, quit smiling you look really weird. It's annoying." Kuroko stood up, not even sparing his lover a glance. "I'm going to wash up."

Seeing Akashi smiles makes Kuroko annoyed and he himself doesn't know why he's feeling like that.

The red-head on the other hand was quite amused on how his lover immediately shifted its temper.

"Mood swings." Akashi quitely uttered while looking at his precious lover walking away from him.

A little laughter escaped from his mouth. "You are really pregnant." Akashi whispered.

- - -

Akashi and Kuroko walked down the hallway, hands clasped around each other.

The appointment with Midorima went well and as of the moment nothing seems to be wrong with Kuroko's pregnancy.

Happiness and excitement was evident on the love birds' faces.

Little did they know that someone from afar was watching their every move.

"In no time, I'll be having my revenge on you, Akashi Seijuro."

- - -

In the evening . . .

"Shhh Tetsuya stop crying," Akashi rubbed Kuroko's back.

"But I wanna eat some takoyaki." the teal-head replied his eyes blurry from crying.

"But it's still midnight. All the shops are still closed." The red-headed explained.

Kuroko layed down and wrapped himself in a blanket and cried out more, his back shaking.

Akashi massaged his temples, "Damn this cravings." Akashi realized that he blurted out those words loud and clear. He quickly looked at the bed where his lover was crying. Kuroko was now sitting, tears still streaming down his face.

"W-why is Sei-kun a-angry. I-i just wanna e-eat," Kuroko can no longer finish his sentence for he was sobbing uncontrollably.

Akashi hurriedly approached the teal-head. Guilt stabbing his heart. "I'm sorry Tetsuya, I didn't mean to say those words. I'm sorry," Akashi hugged Kuroko tightly and kissed his fore head before bending down to the teal-heads abdomen. "I know our little miracle really wants to eat some takuyaki right now, but can daddy compromise? Please baby, I promise to buy a lot of takoyaki for you in the morning."

Akashi went back to hug his lover. Minutes later, Kuroko finally drifted to sleep. Akashi slowly laid him down on their bed.

"Sweet dreams, Tetsuya. Ang you too, little angel."
- - -

Waahhhh!!! Finally, I was able to update a chapter. 😊😊 It took so long sorry everyone. 

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