Chapter 10

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Kuroko's POV

I slowly overheard little chatter around me. "Hmmm," I gently opened my eyes and saw Sei-kun talking with our parents and with our former teammates of the Generation of Miracles. "Seijuro-kun."

"Tetsuya! How are you?" He held my hand tightly. I gently gave them all a smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine." Suddenly, flashbacks from what happened during our wedding flashed in my mind. "Sei-kun, where is our child?"

All of a sudden, the door opened and Midorima-kun entered together with a nurse beside him carrying a baby. "Congratulations to the both of you nanodayo. It's a healthy baby boy." Sejuro-kun stood up and held our child in his arms. Tears slowly forming in his eyes. "He's so beautiful, Tetsuya." He moved to my direction and slowly handed over our son to me. I gladly accepted him and held him dearly. With teary eyes, I planted a sweet, gentle kiss on his forehead. I looked at Sei-kun and genuinely smiled. "He look just like you." He got Seijuro-kun's hair color. However, his eyes, he got both of ours. One teal blue and the other one, gold.

"We got ourselves a handsome grandson right, Kuroko-san?" I heard our parents giggled as they enjoy the beautiful scenery, their grandson.

"Oy Tetsu, Akashi. Have you decided a name?" Hearing Aomine-kun's question, Sei-kun caressed my shoulder and nodded.

"Well, he was given to us unexpectedly by the Almighty." I paused for a while and touched our baby's cheek. "He is a proof that God has his own way of giving miracles. For that, I think Keitaro (A/N: Keitaro means 'blessed'.) would fit him best. For Seijuro-kun and me are so blessed to have such a wonderful miracle in our lives."

Sei-kun held our baby's little hand. "Keitaro. I love it, Tetsuya. It suits him, thank you." He kissed me gently in the forehead and then leaned down to give our little boy a kiss as well.

"Welcome to the world Keitaro-kun!" Masaomi-san gladly proclaimed. The room was filled with excitement and glee as one by one they cooed and played with Keitaro.

- - -

After One Week . . .

Kuroko's POV

I was busy preparing my ingredients for today's lunch when I heard Keitaro crying. I left my work at the kitchen and hurriedly went to check on him but when I got there, Keitaro was already busy playing with Sei-kun. I gladly watched the two of them. Keitaro giggles as soon as Sei-kun would lift him high up in his arms.

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(Credits to pinterest for the photo)

"Oh, Tetsuya." Sei-kun finally noticed me standing at the entrance of the room. "I could watch you two play all day." He gave me his sweetest smile. "Continue what you're doing earlier Tetsuya. I'll take care of Keitaro."

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