3 » Disneyland & Sharing

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🎡 | Disneyland & Sharing | 🍗
| January 2nd, 2018 |

"Excuse me, can i have two fried chickens and one ice cream please?" i ordered to the cashier man

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"Excuse me, can i have two fried chickens and one ice cream please?" i ordered to the cashier man. "Sorry sis, but the fried chicken only left one" he said. 

"Uhm.. its okay"

I handed him 6$ then he gave me the chicken and ice cream i wanted.


"Here, John"

I offered him the fried chicken, but that's no it. He doesn't seems happy. "Where's yours?" he asked before taking a bite of his fried chicken.

"Uhm the chicken was left one" i replied as i licked my ice cream. "We can share" he offered kindly with his cute smiles.

I just stares at him until he said, "C'mon, we're siblings. Don't feel gross out" oouch 'siblings' zone.

"O—ok" i replied feeling so unsure. I don't want him to feel down bc i eat his food. I mean, as i know, eating others food can break everything, even relationship.

"Here" he said with a piece of chicken on his fingers. He feed me the chicken with his hands without feeling grossed out, wow, what a gentleman.

"Thats the sweet of you" i smiled. He just smiled in returns.

"Can i try your ice cream?"

"Of course"


Mom ordered one uber. The uber is for Lauren, Maddie and Nadia, while me and Johnny are with our parents.

Dad drive, Mom on the passenger seat, me and Johnny are at the back.

Imagine if we're datin— omg stop thinking about that Kenzie! that would never happen. He is just your stepbrother.


"Hey, kenz can i borrow your charger for awhile?" he asked, entering my room.

Oh my god he's shirtless. Dang it!

'"Yeah sure, its over there" i pointed at my desk. He took the charger and came up to me. "Thanks sis" he pinched my cheek.

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