14 » School & Spying

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🏫 | School & Spying | 👀
| January 20th, 2018 |

🏫 | School & Spying | 👀| January 20th, 2018 |

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I walked to my first period, which was math. Really? I'm not in mood to study, all i want to do right now are watching Netflix and eat chips. As i open the class door, everyone is looking at me.

' Ms. Ziegler you're late, detention! ' mr. Bean say to me, obviously.

I tried my best to not roll my eyes. I took a seat next to Johnny since it was the only seat left. ' hey ' he smiled. I just nod and start to draw on my sketch book. I start to draw a boy with a green eyes.

' is that me? ' John whispered. ' nope ' i shook my head. He frowns.


' what are you doing? ' Lauren ask me. Opps, i was spying Hayden and Nadia conversation.

' just wondering why Nadia is with him ' i lied. She nod and continue on what she was doing before. I feel bad for lying at her.

I walked to the cafeteria, earlier than usual. I scan my eyes through a lot of people, then land on my brother. Johnny. I go there and sit between Mark and Brynn.

Brynn made a mad face at me which making me laugh. She always like Mark and he liked her back. I don't know why they are still friends now. Speak of Brynn, we haven't talk for quiet long. Ever since summer break. She's like a sister to me. Well, second sister. One is Lolo. Wait, Lauren is my stepsister. I'm so stupid.

' want to have sleepover at my house? ' Annie suggested. I raised my hand. After a minutes i found myself that i'm the only one who was raising their hands. ' um. . Anyone else? '.

They keep eating their food. ' I think its just us ' i said. She nod.


' okay now lets tell each other our secret! ' Annie claps her hand. I nod nervously. Nervous if this secret that we both gonna tell will be led to dangerous. But nah she's already my best friends since we both was 4.

' first, have you ever had a first kiss? ' she ask. I shook my head. ' Hayden ' she blush. ' awww my bestie is blushing ' i teased. She playfully smacked my arm. I chuckle.

' second, crush? ' she ask while reading the paper that she just wrote a minutes ago. Should i lie?

' i don't know ' i shrugged. ' what do you mean by i don't know? '. ' i'm not sure if i had a crush '

She just nod. ' you probably know mine ' she blush once again. I laugh so hard.

Good morning everyone. Its 2 am in my country so gtg to sleep. Night Sweetie!

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now