8 » Impressed & Cooked

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😱 | Impressed & Cooked | 🍝
| January 9th, 2018 |

😱 | Impressed & Cooked | 🍝| January 9th, 2018 |

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~ two months later ~

Johnny have been go to the gym everyday. I know he went to the gym cause every time he came back home he always sweat.

Don't you dare bothering me thinking about him. He's cute, okay?. Moreover now, he got more more muscle. No wonder why Nadia date him. She supposed to love her life, she always made drama, drama and DRAMA!

' what drama? ' Lauren ask me. She's sleep in the same room as me so don't blame her for keep asking me question. ' deep thought ' i let out a small chuckle.


' John, can you help me with this? ' i point to my math question. I can't solve it. ' sure ' he took a seat beside me and start to teach me. He smelled so good. He smelled like Vanilla? He quiet impressed me with his look.

' wanna take a break? ' i ask him. ' lets go ' he said and got to the couch and playfully act snoring. I laugh at his move.

I put ' Stranger Thing ' on the tv. While Johnny already on the couch. I sat next to him.

All of the sudden, Lauren burst into the Living room.
' OH GOD JENZIE. . . I GOTTA GO TO SLEEP, YEA SLEEP BYE ' me and Johnny look at each other then laugh.

We continue watching again till the last episode.
' are you hungry? ' he ask me. I can feel he was hungry so i just shrugged, go to the kitchen. I start to cook spaghetti meatball for Johnny, Lauren and i. 

When I done i put the plate on the table. ' JOHN! LAUREN! ' i shout without worry cause parents are still at work.

' coming ' they both say.

' i cooked spaghetti for you guys ' i take a taste of the meatball. ' thanks, Kenz ' John said. Lauren just smile at me. ' i never knew you can cook ' he said.

' why should i tell you? ' i chuckle. ' right ' he thumbs up.

I'm so bad at the end sorry guys.

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now