24 » Shopping & Waiters

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👽 | Shopping & Waiters | 🙋🏼
| February 5th, 2018 |

' no, this jean is more fit on Johnny! ' i argued with Lauren

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' no, this jean is more fit on Johnny! ' i argued with Lauren. ' William had skinny legs, john's are fatter! ' she said. ' excuse me ' Johnny complained.

' look, Johnny's leg is like an alien okay. In Will's leg it has a lot of chocolate cake. I'm done with this stupid argued! ' i give the jeans to John. ' sure ' she sarcastically said. ' come on Johnny ' i took John's hand and go to the cashier.


The blonde waiters came towards us. Oh no, don't steal John. ' hello cutie ' she flirted as she rubbed John's shoulder. She wears really short shorts with white button shirt. ' hey ' John said. I can see his eyes are looking her up and down. She had blonde hair which was John's favourite hair color. Danger

' no time for freaking flirting. i want to order one avocado toast ' i ordered. She just rolled her eyes.

' um- one Burger with fries ' John said while holding one of her hand. I stand up and go out of the restaurant. I can't handle it anymore. Lauren come with me too, all the way to the bathroom.

' what happened? ' she rubbed my back. ' you know that i liked John right? Th-the way he looks at the waiters is like he saw an angel. It just because she wear everything short! ' i angrily told her.

' we will go back home with uber and i will tell William to stay with Johnny okay? ' i nod. She called William and tell him. I didn't listen to their conversation, i am crying.

----       ( the next day )

I wake up by a really bright sun. What's happening? i still wear yesterday's shirt. Shopping, waiters. Someone said behind my brain. I quickly jumped out of my bed. I dialed Lauren's number.

' come to my room! ' i said before she can speak anything. After a minutes she came to my room. ' uh- why am i here? ' she raised her eyebrows. ' is Johnny home? ' i ask.

' no- he said he was sleepover somewhere ' she shrugged.

' what the heck. Parents will be back at 2! ' i yelled. ' oh my god, oh my god, oh m- ' she repeat in shocked.

' shut up, hurry called him. I will make breakfast! ' i run downstairs.

Searching for the pan. When i found it i put it on the stove, turn it on. Put six slice of bacon. I didn't use oil for the bacon cause bacon had enough oil already.

Then, i toast four bread on the toaster. One for me, one for Lauren and two for Johnny. However i was mad at him, he's still my brother after all. I flip the bacon then, put it on each three plates. I only cooked for three of us. I cooked six bacon because we probably not enough to just eat one.

I took some butter from the fridge, spreads a bit on the fresh toast bread. Make sure not to much.

After that i cooked the egg. I cooked the egg at the end cause it was faster than anything. Also if you eat the egg when its already cold it smelled fishy. I make scrambled egg today. I used to cooked omelette, since our parents go vacation since it was pretty easy. So why not do something different?

I shared the scrambled egg onto each plate. ' hmm ' Lauren sigh in delight. I chuckled. ' so where is he? ' i start the conversation. You know if we don't talk unicorn will die and no more rainbow unicorn.

' who? ' she shoved the bread into her mouth.

' J-O-H-N-N-Y O-- ' before i finished his name she cut me off. Thank god, she don't cut my bacon.

' oh he was at William house, i facetime Will and saw Johnny sleeping on the guest ro- ' suddenly someone burst into the room. I was about to yell but it was Johnny. He take a seat beside me and started to eat.

Should i do longer chapter like this next time?

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now