6 » Party & Dress

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💋 | Party & Dress | 👗
| January 7th, 2018 |

💋 | Party & Dress | 👗| January 7th, 2018 |

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I am going to a party tonight with Lauren. There is no Mom and Maddie because they are in Pittsburgh for Maddie's clothing line.

I still wondering why Johnny cared about me. I mean Maddie doesn't care about me as much as he does to me. Me and Lauren are going to shopping for the dress for tonight.

' JOHNNY ' Lauren shouted. ' What? ' he ask annoyed while walking downstairs. Damnn, those wet hair.

' can you drive me and Lauren to the mall? ' i nervously ask, scared if he doesn't want to.

' i can't i'm going with Nadia, not now gurls ' he said. That broke my heart. He chose her over me. Well, i am his sister he supposed to loved me more than his stupid girlfriend.

' whatever ' Lauren said as she come up to me and took me upstairs. ' lets just order uber ' she said as she called the uber

' okay '. I began to curl my hair. I don't feel like wearing makeup now.


' how do i look? ' i ask Lauren once again, still not sure if i am going to buy the dress. ' you look gorgeous girl! ' she clapped her hand. I shook my head.

' you know what, you're buying this dress, no buts '
She said and took the dress from my hand and hand to the cashier lady. We used our parents money since we haven't worked yet. Sorry mom.


' you look beaut- ' before he could finished his sentence Nadia kissed him, gross.

She think i could get jealous by her kissing him. But no, i'm not jealous however i kinda liked him. We're siblings, thats not gonna work.

Hello everyone i can't really active everyday
but i'll try🖤🖤

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now