13 » Caught & Not Great

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😨 | Caught & Not Great | 👎🏻
| January 19, 2018 |

Lauren and Kenzie have been acting weird around me these days

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Lauren and Kenzie have been acting weird around me these days. I don't know why, but i will ask Lauren today. I had this feeling that she was lying about her bestfriend birthday thing, but i still haven't found the real reason.

I go to her room and knock the door. * knock knock *
That sound made me hear her groaning. A footstep getting louder and click, the door is open.

' what do you want? ' Lauren rudely ask. I saw Kenzie at the back, on the bed playing with her laptop while eating her favourite chips, doritos.

' you said today is one of your bestfriend birthday ' i smirk knowing that she is lying. ' i-uh i already send the present this morning, right kenz? '

' yup ' she yell cause the chips were full in her mouth.
I chuckle and leave the room. Boring, you see.

My life is not that great anymore. Firstly, my Dad never answer any of my question. Since he always spent his time out of nowhere. I mean i don't care about the parents thing but its a obvious question like ' are we going to buy the book? '. He can just answer yes or no. Simple

Secondly, my girlfriend. Nadia turner, she have been ignored me ever since the last time we fought, which was two weeks and one days. As you can see, i love her. I haven't date anyone before so, don't blame m--

* ring ring *. It was Nadia. Wow, unbelievable i pick it up. ' hello? ' i said ' john, this is Hayden i just wanna say she's mine ' * hang up *. Hayden? Hayden Summerall date Nadia? My girlfriend date my bestfriend? Wow just wow.


Me and Brandon are on our way to IHOP. I decided to eat first then, i will broke up with Nadia. When we got there i ordered '' Stuffed French Toast Combo ''. Brandon ordered the same cause ya know, we're kinda same.

After eating my toast i text Nadia. She will not answer my phone, duh

- text between Johnny and Nadia -

Juanny🔥⚡️ : hey Nads, we need to talk

Nadz😻 : before we talk, i just wanna say i'm sorry

Juanny🔥⚡️ : nah, its fine we're just
not meant to be

Nadz😻 : we're over. But friends?

Juanny🔥⚡️ : friends :)

Nadz 😻 : gtg, Hayden called me

- end of text -

Well it end pretty well, i still love her but not that much anymore.

Since Nadia and i already broke up i just want to remind myself that i still have a crush on this girl. No one know i have crush on her expect Lauren, my little sister. She can keep a secret so i tell her.

Oh ya, her name is Sophia rose. if you wondering why i don't date her? I'm famous. The answer is, she lived in different country. She lived in Canada while i lived in LA. It was far enough so we can't date.

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