25 » Truth & Promise

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👌🏻 | Truth & Promise | 🙏🏻
| February 7th, 3018 |

👌🏻 | Truth & Promise | 🙏🏻| February 7th, 3018 |

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' details! ' Maddie said. I sigh, following her to my bedroom. ' i had a feelings for him, thats all! ' i told her trying to be calm. ' how do you think about him? ' she giggle. ' well, he's cute, funny, smart, hot, h-- '

' okay, okay you're falling in love with him really bad ' Maddie replied. I just slowly nod, ' you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone ' i raised my baby finger.

' sooner or later they will know but i won't tell anybody for now ' we locked our finger. ' pinky promise? '

' pinky promise ' she smilled.


' MADDIE!! ' i widen my eyes. ' it just Jenzie okay ' she shrugged. ' i told you to, ugh ' i walked out of the room. She never can keep a secret. Even when we was a little.

- flash back -
Kenzie - 2 Maddie - 4
Kenzie POV

I walked into the kitchen, founding confused Maddie.
' wat ae you sercing? ' i try my best to talk clearly. ( she's still 2 remember ) ' i'm searching the biscuit ' she groaned. ' i haid it, buc you hav to pomise me not to teh anywen ' i raised my pinky.

' pinky promise ' she said locking our finger together.

- the next day - in the morning -

I walked to the kitchen to eat my hidden biscuit but when i stepped in the kitchen, Mom looking at me angrily. ' wat happen? ' i confusedly ask.

' never, ever hide this biscuit ever again! ' she said, holding the biscuit bag. ' mads? ' I whispered. ' sorry ' she said, looking away.

- end of flashback -

See, i just told her that i had a feelings for him now, she always talked about it. We're gonna have dinner tonight with the Rowland's which was suck. I don't hate any of them it just that i'm not is mood for smile or talking. Well, Brandon is kinda cute so

I get my makeup done, not to heavy makeup. I wear black ripped jeans, White tee, jean jacket and vans shoes. I tied my hair into messy ponytail.


' what do you think about Mackenzie Brandon, do you like her? ' my Mom ask. Please eat me earth!

' Well....

Cliffhanger! What do you thin brandon will say?

Comment nice jenzie fanfic to read. I'm so bored

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