1.8 part two

424 21 71

//tw: hate speech and fighting

hey this is kinda late oops sorry
also thank you guys so fucking much for 5k. i never thought that i would get that this far when i started writing this. thank you so so so so so much. 


"What do you mean 'Michael's is in trouble if  we're correct'? You know you are, so what's happening?" Rich asked, speed walking with the group toward the car. 

Chloe groaned. "Just get in the car!" She slammed the door of the driver's side in her grey van. "Brooke, call Jenna! Rich, call Jake! We're gonna need all the help we can get!" 

Jeremy climbed into the side of the van and shut the door behind him. He was unable to speak. The thought of Michael being was occupying his thoughts, a vision of Michael being beaten to a bloody pulp sending shivers down his spine. He heard Brooke talking to Jenna, telling her the location of the area. He heard Rich doing the same thing but to Jake. Time seemed to stop for Jeremy, nothing mattering as much as the thoughts in his head. Nothing was fully registering in his brain until he felt the van jolt to a stop. 

"Scoot over!" Jenna's voice rang throughout the back seat. She shoved Jeremy forcefully so she could have room to sit down. "Where are we going now?" 

"To pick up Jake! We need as many people as possible, J,"  Brooke called back to Jenna. Jenna nodded and laid back in the seat. Jeremy looked at Brooke as she opened the glove compartment and grabbed a shoe box. 

"Grab my Glock, would you?" Chloe asked as Brooke opened the box. "There's an extra, right? Give it to Jeremy." Jeremy choked on air. 

"YOU WANT A GUN TO ME? THE CLUMSIEST PERSON EVER?" Jeremy screamed, making Chloe swerve on the road. "I once dropped a stapler on my foot and it shot me in the arm! I don't want to have a gun! I will undoubtedly KILL someone!" 

"Pshh, you can't be that bad. Plus it's just precautionary, you won't actually  have to kill anyone, probably..." She trailed off. "But whatever! Hand him the Ruger, if you would, Brooke." Brooke nodded and passed a gun carefully to Jeremy. 

"Tuck it into your belt then under your shirt, this is technically illegal," Brooke said as she loaded her gun. Rich yelped at the rough sound. "Sorry, buddy. Forgot about your trigger with revolvers." 

Rich shrugged. "I'm almost okay with it, the sound just makes me flinch a little." Brooke smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "OKAY! We're here! Let's get Jake!" The van jolted a stop in a front of a quaint house with lots of trees in the front yard. 

"Coming!" Jenna slid open the door and Jake rushed inside, baseball bat in hand. "Let's go! Let's go!" Chloe nodded and slammed on the gas. Jenna would've fallen out had Rich not grabbed her by the shoulder and let the door close. 

"J-dog! You good?" Jake plopped himself down beside Jeremy and looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I heard everything. Do you need anything? I grabbed your extra inhaler from my car before I came in here. You need it?" Jeremy shook his head, staying silent. Truth be told, he didn't need it. For some reason, he had never felt more calm. He knew that he would do whatever it took to help Michael. 

"We're almost there, Jeremy do you need any help loading it?" Chloe called from the driver's seat. Jeremy lifted the gun from his belt loop and looked at it. There was a tube poking out of the back. From what he had seen, he had to pull it toward him and it would go into it; that would load it. He did that with hesitance and heard a click. 

"WHOA!" Jake screamed, scooting over quickly. "Why the hell do you have that?" Brooke's giggle wafted throughout the van. Jeremy huffed. How the hell was he gonna explain why he had a gun? 

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