Chapter 3 -Sokka

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I knew exactly what I needed to do.
My life with Suki isn't as good as I had always wanted it to be, as she and the other Kyoshi Warriors are the official guards for the Firelord's palace. It wasn't that I didn't love her, it was just that it didn't seem like our careers would ever keep us close. She only comes home every few months, and when that happens, she's always too tired to even get intimate. I couldn't blame her, because it was a tough job, but I have needs too.
I need what's gonna be best for me, and that's to be with somebody else, somebody who'll be here to make me happy and that I can spend time with whenever I want to.
I sighed, standing up and getting changed. Toph told me she needed to go somewhere, yet wouldn't tell me where and left. I hated being alone at this point, especially on my days off; I never had anything to do! So what would I do while I was lonely?
Go bug my sister.
Katara and Aang had been temporarily staying in the earth kingdom, so I figured it would be nice to at least stop by.
I didn't get much time to see her at the wedding, so I figured it was time to catch up a little. When I got there, however, I automatically noticed something was off about her. Aang was gone and it was just her at the house, so naturally I asked if they had argued. She said no, but I continued to press the subject. That was, until, I looked at her stomach.
It all came clear to me in that moment. Either my sister had gotten fat, or something else was going on; she was pregnant. By the looks of it, decently far along too. She had been pregnant for her wedding.
"When were you planning on telling me?" I yelled.
"Sokka, I just told Aang today! He kinda freaked out and wanted some alone time so he went with Toph to go see-" she started, but caught herself.
"Go see who?" I asked, frowning.
"To uh... go see her parents" she answered.
"Why on earth would he need to go see her parents with her?" I pressed.
"Oh I'm not sure really. It may have just been an excuse to get away from me, I mean, I have known about this baby for about 2 months now, and I'm only just now telling him. He didn't really want kids this soon. Neither did I in all honesty, but things happen" she sighed.
It was obvious that she was trying to get the topic away from Toph, and though I was happy for her being married with a baby on the way, I wasn't concerned about it right then.
I knew Toph and I had disconnected, but was I really that out of the loop? And what could she possibly be hiding from me?
I sighed, and laid my hand on Katara's stomach.
"Alright... do you know when they'll be back?" I asked
"A couple hours. Will you stay?" She asked
"Of course" I answered.
Maybe I could get more out of her.

We laughed and reminisced over some dinner later that night, and I noticed that with every laugh, she would grip her belly. It wasn't very big, so I couldn't possibly imagine why, and naturally I asked.
"Hey, why do you feel the need to hold onto your baby for dear life?" I laughed.
She frowned. Obviously it wasn't a joking matter.
"Oh, um... it just feels weird, really. I know it's in there, and I feel like I'm gonna hurt it some how" she answered.
I knew better than that.
"Katara, why aren't you telling me the truth?" I frowned. I knew my sister better, I knew when her eyes held lies and when she was afraid.
"Sokka, please, I'm tired" she warned.
"So? What is it? Is it why you're here?" I asked. I didn't care if I was being nosy, I had to know!
She sighed, and closed her eyes. "Sokka, there's an uprising in the fire nation. We're not sure what they stand for except for killing Aang and I. They call themselves the Black Lotus, and they attacked us about a month back. One of the women knew I was pregnant... every time I laugh I feel vulnerable, because she went straight for my stomach. I don't know how she knew, but it scared me" she frowned.
"Why does nobody tell me anything!?" I shouted. I had no idea something was going on in the fire nation, I had no idea what was going on with Toph, and I had no idea she was pregnant.
"Hey, come on. We still don't know much about them so we decided to keep it a secret for now" She answered.
It was a fair point and all, but I was livid. Nobody's going to hurt the people I love, I refused to let it happen. Besides, now I just felt insulted because I apparently wasn't important enough to be told.
"Katara, while you're keeping it a secret they're out there hurting innocent people like you. It needs to come out soon" I frowned.
She pondered this for a moment, and sighed. "You're right, and I know you're right, but I'll have to talk to Aang first" she nodded.
Right at that moment, both Aang and Toph walked in, chuckling and smiling.
Katara looked uneasy, and stood up walking to her room quickly. Aang frowned as he watched, then excused himself as he followed her.
Toph and I were alone yet again, and I knew that I wanted some answers as to where she had been. 
"Where did you two go?" I asked.
"Oh, just to see my parents." She answered
"Why did you need Aang with you?" I frowned.
"Because I needed a ride," she frowned "since when do you care what I do? I swear a stick's up your ass nowadays."
"Well you could've taken a train, so why'd you take Appa?" I pressed
"Okay, you've got about five seconds to shut the hell up before I roundhouse kick you." She crossed her arms.
There was something she was holding back, and I was determined to get it out of her.

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