I fell for THREE of my co-stars!!

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My hands are shaking. I've never felt this way before and I sure as hell do not understand it. How on Earth did I get myself in this position? I'm wondering the same exact thing.

So, I ended up falling for three of my costars. At first it was Ryder. He was the first guy I really hit it off with. We had to kiss for the movie and it was so intense. Ryder, in the movie, was the guy my character ended up with. Ryder was the perfect guy, until he wasn't. Trust me on that. He changed into a jerk, so that's why I didn't date him.

Then, I fell for another costar: Brandon. He was three years older than me, but he was really sweet to me. Since Ryder turned into a jerk, I thought why not be friends with Brandon. Trust me, that was a horrible idea too. The second I told him I might love him, he didn't say it back. He didn't know what to do, so he just ran off from the movie and me. I can't tell you where he went because that'd spoil everything. I absolutely regret that day. If I could've kept my mouth shut, then Brandon wouldn't have ran away and we could've been together. My life could've truly been a fairytale. My love life didn't stop there, I met yet another costar.

He was my old boyfriend from high school. His name was Matty. Matty Kingsten. I had grown up with Matty and he was my first kiss. Matty had been cast as my brother for the movie, in the middle of shooting. I thought maybe God was giving me another chance to be with Matty, but obviously it didn't work out.

Then, at one point all of the guys apologized for their mistakes. I forgave them after a while, of course, and kissed each of them. (They weren't all apologizing at once, by the way.)

And, now, here we are. All of us in one room together! I knew I had to choose one, but it was so hard. But, eventually, I ended up choosing....

(I can't spoil it just yet.)

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