5: Gotta Love Some Drama

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Hey guys sorry if this part kinda sucks I don't really know how to write Ray but I don't want him to be forgotten bc he's great so um yeah.  Also uhh sorry that reader's not gay in this for any gay people reading this even though it's a straight ship. I'm not making you straight because that sounds a bit too controlling for my taste, so if you're bi or whatever, I'm still not forcing you to be straight. Uhhh yeah just a quick little author's note before we start. You'll see why this is relevant later. Enjoy this part. And the last update that had to do with a different part was just giving the teachers names so it seems more believable. Anyway, let the story begin. 

You go to the locker room and change after PE is over. It wasn't too bad, but you still hate it. The gym smells like socks and people thought you were gay because you were blushing. The reason why you were blushing is because people were asking you questions and making you uncomfortable. You really wish they'd go away. 

You look at your schedule. You have Drama next. You walk to the room and you're rather early. You only see a few people there. A guy with a hella good fro, a girl with black and pink hair wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt despite school rules, and what you think is the teacher. He is a man with brown hair who looks to be in his 40s. 

The Cruella Deville looking bitch gives you a strange glare, you feel like you won't like her. The guy with the good hair walks up to you.

"You're y/n, right?" 

"Yes??" You ask, a bit confused. 

"Oh, I'm Ray. That's Melanie."

"Oh, Mikey wrote your name on my schedule. I'm guessing your a friend of his?"

"Yeah, I actually play guitar in a  band we're in."

"Oh, that's pretty cool. What's the name?"

"We actually haven't come up with that yet. It's pretty new, to be honest."

 "I'm guessing Mikey plays bass?"

"He does, why?"

"We were playing a game and I lied about playing bass. Then, he was all like 'No, you don't. If you did, your fingers would have calluses.' So, I'm guessing he might know something about it. I dunno, just a thought."

"Yeah, he does actually. I play lead guitar, Frank plays rhythm guitar."

"I didn't know Frank played anything."

"Yeah, Matt plays drums." 

"Oh, who's Matt?"

"He was kind of the only person who wanted to do it. We don't even hang out that much."

"That's a bit ironic. I thought band members were supposed to be really close." You say, chuckling.

"Well, Mikey's brother sings if that means anything. Family members are usually close."

"Wait Mikey's brother?"

"Yeah. You met Gerard, right?"

"Seriously? You're telling me that fucking Gerard sings in your band?"

"Yeah. Why am I getting a feeling that you hate his guts?"

"I don't hate his guts, but I certainly don't like them either." You sigh.

"What's the situation then?" Ray asks, curiously.

"I like to annoy him. I don't like anything about him just because. We have a friendly rivalry, I guess. And if it turns out that he's good at singing, then that's gonna fuck up the relationship."

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