Party Preperations

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*Davids POV*
~A week later~

It's three hours before the 'party'.  I just walked in the house. I went to the store to get all the last minute supplies we forgot. We decided to just get plastic cups, plates and things like that so G woman didn't have to worry about doing the dishes or anything.

"Honey? Could you help me with the bags please?" I attempted to shut the door behind me and failed.

I heard her coughing from the bathroom, "one minute."

I dropped the bags and went to her. I held her hair away from her face and rubbed her back. "Let it all out. It's okay."

She's still been getting sick a lot, and she hates it. When she was done she stood up with my help and flushed the toilet. She was still coughing and went to the sink to wash her face and brush her teeth.

"Are you sure your up for this? We can reschedule?"

"Dave, we have like 3 hours till the party. I'll be fine. This is normal for pregnant people." She finished up and I let go of her hair. She sighed and walked to the mirror and looked at herself.

"Just think, it will all be worth it when our little boy or girl is born." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

She smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled and kissed her head. "Now lets go get everything ready."

We walked back into the kitchen/dining room and we started unpacking all of the bags. We had a system, almost like a game, when we put away groceries. She would give me a food category along with a brand, and I would guess the food. Sure it took a while, but it's always something fun we did just to smile and laugh a bit more.

A few minutes after we finished, the door bell rang.

"I️ got it." I️ said walking to the door. I️ opened the door. West came up behind me.

"Dad, this is Oliver, you've met before. Now go finish getting things ready." She tried to push me away.

I️ laughed and rolled my eyes. "Nice to see you Oliver."

He shook my hand. "Nice to see you Mr. Duchovny."

I️ continued talking to him a bit. Just making sure he knew the rules and boundaries. Gillian walked up behind me.

She laughed and let them go. "You two have fun."

"Not too much fun!" I️ shut the door as they ran off to West's room.

She laughed. We finished setting up and people started showing up.

*Gillians POV*

The party went well. Everyone was happy for us which was good. Everyone had just left. Now David and I had to clean everything.

"Honey, if your tired you can go to bed. I'm sure I can do this all myself." He looked over to me, right after I yawned.

"I'll be fine. I don't want you to clean this mess alone." I  walked around starting to pick up plates and cups.

He walked over to me and took the plates and cups. "Gillian, I know your tired. Get some sleep. We have to go to work early tomorrow."

I sighed. "Well what about you?"

"I'm not carrying a baby. Now please go to bed."

I laughed. "Goodnight, I love you." I kissed him before walking off to bed.

I walked into the bed room yawing again. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea. I got into my pajamas and laid down. I looked over to the clock. It was 11 which is early, even for me. I could have stayed up longer, although I do love how David is always looking out for me. He was like this even before we started dating. And I'm glad that never changed.

Falling asleep wasn't hard at all. In fact, I believe I fell asleep 5 minuets after I went into bed. I'm also pretty sure that David came in shortly after that. He laid besides me and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close. There wasn't a better way to sleep.

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