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Every story has a starting point, and ours begun on a fateful spring day where the buds perched on the trees lining the streets of Seoul had begun to unfold into bouquets of delicate petals, dotting the city with pink-tinted hues of vibrant flowers in bloom.

It was also the day in which I turn eighteen.

I'm curled up in my bed, still fast asleep and dreaming of being in my childhood home of Busan again, when a noise woke me up.


When I slipped out of my bed to check the noise, I saw that the alarm clock read 5.43am. Outside, it was still dark - the sun was slumbering, like I ought to be.

Plunk, plunk, plunk!

As the noise continued, I walked over to the window overlooking the back of our house, where a small garden bloomed with a multitude of flowers - roses, daisies, Queen Anne's lace. And amidst the sea of multi-colored petals, I saw you standing in the dim light, looking up towards my window, a bunch of pebbles in your hands.

"Jimin?" I whispered to myself in awe.

My fingers made quick work of the clasp of my window, and pulling it up, I leaned down to face you. When you noticed me and our eyes met, a jolt of electricity ran through my veins like adrenaline, waking me up.

"Byul, come down!" You mouthed, your face brightening and your full lips arching up into a sweet smile, as gentle as the cool morning wind that kissed my face.

I grinned widely back, and gestured for you to wait. One minute, I mouthed, holding my pointer finger up. You nodded back.

Swift as a sure-footed cat, I slipped out of my room and flew down the stairs, towards my back door. Anticipation filled me up like a balloon at the thought of you waiting for me, and I rushed to open the door and greet you.

You greeted me first, pulling me into a hug so tight my breath puffed out my lips. For a moment, I stilled, all the blood in my body seemingly rushing to my face. My heart skipped one, two, three beats.

And then I willingly melted into the embrace, finding home in your arms.


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