1.7 | 새 벽

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Fate is a fickle thing.

When my heart settled on you, I thought I found my home; a person I could rely on through thick and thin. I thought love was black and white, this or that, all or nothing.

What I never knew was that one heart could love more than just another.

Of course, it wasn't like that at first - the fire between Jungkook and I were little more than mere sparks when we met again.

This time, fate played us like strings on a harp.

This time, we met under a bus stop below the gentle, muffled hues of a six a.m sunrise.

It was the day after you took me stargazing, and we'd stayed there like entwined ribbons until the moon treks low across the sky and the night is turning halfway into day.

You took me home, then, accompanying me all the way to my house and urging me to head back up, even when I insisted for you to go home. But you persisted so adorably that at last I quietly tip-toed up the winding stairs and into my bedroom again.

When I looked out my window, you were still standing there, staring up at me.

"Go," I mouthed.

Your eyes were brighter than the stars we gazed at. "Goodnight," you mouthed back, your lips tugging into a gentle smile.

Now it was my turn to stare at you as your figure slipped back across the gate, easily picking your way through the bushes and greenery from years of experience.

As I slept that night, the scenes replayed in my head like a silent movie, each brush of your hand and the dark molten caramel of your eyes all lullabies that sung me to my dreams.

And at half past three, I wandered off to sleep, a tiny smile still curling up my lips.

Which was why I was then late the day after, waking up with a bleary start as my alarm let out a cacophony of shrills that made me want to do nothing more than break the aforementioned object.

'Where are you, Byul? The bus is here,' was one of your frantic texts sent to me this morning, one of many I didn't see. 'Are you still asleep??'

And the last made my heart skitter to a stop. 'I gotta go first, but I hope you're not too tired. I don't want my star to burn out :-('.

Upon receiving them, I smiled to myself, heat caressing my cheeks that has nothing to do with the early morning chill.

Slipping my phone into my pocket, I walked towards the bus stop, feeling light.

The sprawling soft streaks of baby pinks and blues in the sky blanketed the world still. The sun peeked out of cotton-candy clouds, the air still draped with that quiet hush that early dawn brings. Only the revving of engines and sleepy conversations surrounded me as I gently settled myself under the awning.

I was ready to pull my earphones out while waiting for the familiar hum of my usual bus arriving. This is my habit: as the sunrise graces the world, I let music grace mine.

But this time, instead of being greeted by music, someone else did so instead.

"Wait - don't I know you?"

Startled, I looked up into the eyes of Jeon Jungkook - although I didn't know who he was yet at that time.

When our gazes met, his smile grew intrigued, as if he couldn't believe his sheer dumb luck.

And I felt the same way.

For a few seconds, both of us took in the other's presence, the world blurring around us as if nothing else existed but the slightly rusted bus stop, me and a boy as bright as the sun.


A/N: and so the chess pieces fall into place. ♡

what are your thoughts so far? please tell me what you think! :-)

thank you for reading, cutie! take your vitamins/meds, drink a lot of water and get proper sleep. the world needs you, so take care of yourself. i love you! ❤

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