0.5 | 희 망

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As the flitting rays of the warm sun wove in between the clouds, we parted ways - me up to my room, you through the gate that bordered our next-door houses.

The rest of the day, I couldn't quite concentrate on any of the subjects at school. My mind was filled to the brim with you; the memory of your butterfly kiss looping through my head like an out-of-tune music box, making me blush without fail every time.

And then at half past three, you sent me a text message.

ChimmyChim: Byul, come to the football field, near the bleachers.

And then another.

ChimmyChim: Need to talk to you, ASAP. It's urgent.

You sounded so serious that I couldn't help but drop everything and run - towards the lush, green soccer field sprawled behind our school. The sky was a cloudless, tranquil blue, and the wide expanse of freshly-cut grass was empty.

Warily, I began to look around -

And proceeded to shriek in utter surprise as an explosion of flour hit me in the face.

When the air cleared, seven figures tumbled out from behind the bleachers, laughing and hooting in delight.

Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, Yoongi, Chae-won and you were each holding a bag of flour, sly smiles on your faces – except for Jin, who stayed behind and was holding a cake tightly to his chest.

Soon, my shock turned into laughter as well - and we spent the rest of the afternoon pelting one another with flour, ducking and hiding and shrieking until the school's guards came and told us to stop.

Unsurprisingly, Taehyung ended up covered in the most flour (he also failed to hit anyone and ended up running away from us, repeatedly shouting "traitors, traitors!" as we chased after him).

Afterwards, we sat on the benches and sang Happy Birthday - Jin had baked a star-shaped cake, messily decorated to resemble a starry night sky.

"Get it, cause your name means star, so I made you a star cake?" He laughed at himself.

Gifts were then given (in which Yoongi had actually given me his mixtape, claiming it was "fire"). You yourself gave me a sketchbook and a set of acrylic paints.

"For you to paint the world," you said, smiling gently at me.

"Chim, I- you shouldn't have!" I was close to tears, flabbergasted. "You already surprised me earlier too!"

Hoseok, who had overheard, piped up, a gleam in his eyes. "Ooh - earlier? What did you two do in private?"

My face flamed up. "Nothing!"

He wiggled his eyebrows at us suggestively. "Ooh, Chim, do you like Byul?"

Your cheeks effused a peach sheen, one that matched my blush. Stuttering, you shoved Hoseok to the side. "Hyung, stop it!"

Hoseok laughed before dropping the subject entirely, moving on to joke about Yoongi's new mint-hued hairdo instead.

But I couldn't forget about it - because, well, even if you didn't exactly say that you had feelings for me...

You never did say no.

Of course, now I know it was because you liked someone else.

But back then?

I let hope soar in my heart like a hummingbird.


A/N: dw, jungkook's coming soon - and so will the angst ;)

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