1.5 | 처 음

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Back when we were thirteen, you held my hand tight and led me to the school rooftop, a boy and a girl sneaking out past curfew to stargaze.

It was on a night just like this - where the sky's a dusky deep purple and the stars hang low like ripe fruits on a tree, so close it feels like if I reached up on my tip-toes I could pick one straight out of the dark.

Tonight, though, we're eighteen - and a lot had happened since then.

Yet as your hand once again found mine as if it was a natural thing to do and guided me towards the rooftop facing the edge of the sky, it felt as if nothing had changed.

This place is our getaway; a cozy, lush rooftop where an overhanging gazebo bursting with green leafy plants stood to one side, a myriad of potted ferns. On the other perched an old blue sofa, worn from years of use. It sat facing the world, a perfect spot to marvel at the heavens above.

As I plopped down onto it and made myself comfortable, you crouched on the ground and began to set up your telescope, your hands deft with years of habit.

"So," you piped up casually, head bent down to tinker with the equipment. I could hear the soft smile in your voice, the pang of nostalgia weaving through your tone. "Do you remember the first time we went stargazing?"

I breathe out an audible laugh as memories rose up in the back of my mind, clear as day. "Of course I do. You totally got us grounded when our parents found out."

Your chuckle spilled out into the night and you turned to cheekily wink at me. "But it was definitely worth it."

It was - because that night, my five-year long crush started.

And up until now, I could still remember it vividly; the way my heart would bounce against the sky in young puppy love as you wrapped a blanket around us to keep us safe from the chilly night air.

"Yeah, the stars really were beautiful that night," I reminisced, sighing contentedly to myself, a smile brushing my lips as I watched the night sky. "Don't you think so, Chim?"

You stopped your movements, then - your fiddling hands pausing in their tracks for a fleeting few seconds. I could suddenly feel your eyes skimming the lines of my face, as if you were hesitating to say something; as if you were nervous.

But this I didn't pay much attention to, my focus still directed at the majestic sprawl of the dark lavender hues of the sky.

So it was only when you stayed quiet for longer than necessary that I turned to face you, puzzled by your sudden silence.

"Jimin?" I stuttered, suddenly unsure. "What is it - did I say something wrong?"

As if breaking out of a spell, you suddenly shook your head, blinking your eyes rapidly. Your gaze dropped to the ground for a moment, your teeth once again chewing at your bottom lip.


You looked shy.

And soon I realized why, because then you cleared your throat and let your gaze drift up to lock onto my own.

In your eyes I found a newness I've never seen before, so startling it made me involuntarily hold my breath in anticipation.

"The stars were beautiful," you slowly said, your words slightly stumbling. A smile unfurled across your face, tender like the night.

Words that I now wish you'd never let spill from your mouth.

"Just like you, too."

And so that was the very day in which painful hope began to bloom like a moonflower in the garden of my soul - the night you called me beautiful like you meant it, as the tapestry of stars watched from high above.


A/N: I'd like to add that no, Jimin didn't suddenly fall in love with Byul. It irks me to no end when that happens in stories, so I want to clarify that here, Jimin is merely expressing his awareness of Byul and her presence/appearance. He means it sincerely, but doesn't realize that it's coming from his feelings; because as of right now, he has none yet. He's becoming aware, though, so that's something. ;)

Still, don't worry - angst coming up soon! Thank you for reading, lovelies, hydrate yourself and get proper sleep. I love you so much. ❤

Do share your thoughts - that way, I can work on my writing more! :)

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