1.4 | 월 광

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Like a hazy midnight dream, you had appeared in front of me.

My heart swung its way to euphoria as I drank in the sight of you, let my eyes roam freely over your presence; your quiet steps muffled as you stopped a couple of feet away from me.

I forgot, then - of my heartbreak just thirteen hours ago at the sunlit park.

"Wh- how- you-" I spoke fast and in disbelief, my words tripping over each other as they rush to roll off my tongue. "How did you get here?"

Up and down your shoulder went, a small shrug that complimented the playful look in your eyes. "Through your window, duh. Which, by the way, you should really start locking."

I exhaled a half-laugh, half-scoff. "Idiot".

Easy laughter drifted off your lips like a songbird in the dark. Tilting your head to the side, you reminded me, your tone warm like honey, "but I'm your idiot."

I swore the world stopped turning for a second.

Because here you are, telling me that you're mine, even if you meant it in a different way.

And with a shy smile tugging at your lips; with the incandescent moonlight hugging you in its warm embrace; with the constellations peeking in behind your back -

You looked starspun.

So incredibly lost I was in you that my heart beat like a drum; so loud I was scared you'd hear it.

And then, your eyes warm and worried, your smile dropped into a tiny frown. Your plump lips parted then, to breathe out my name into the space between us.

"Byul...why haven't you been answering me all day?"

And then I remembered about her, and it was like lightning cleaving the sky in two again.

"No reason," I mumbled, gaze dropping to the carpeted floor of my bedroom. "Tired, that's all."

Audibly, you sighed. The pitter-patter of your feet sounded as you drew nearer. "Byul, please. I know you as well as I know the palm of my hand. What's bothering you?"

A small lump formed in my throat, one I tried to shove back down. "Nothing," I whispered, although my voice trembled like the night wind.

Silence reigned for a few seconds, and I thought you might've left, that you've turned back around and scaled down my window and left me in the dark.

For a second, I almost wish you did, just so you wouldn't see me cry.

But then warm fingers wrapped around my wrist, the touch soft and gentle.

When I looked up in shock, you were smiling down at me.

"Fine, let's make you feel better then."

And with that, you pulled me out of my room, the two of us silently sneaking out of my house, our feet rushing over to the back door, through the blooming garden and into your house.

And I realized, as you guided me up the stairs, where we are going.

Your rooftop - where you loved to watch the night-sky constellations.

It was our place, a small secret between us.

Warmth immediately rushed back into my heart, and soon my previous happiness returned. I let you guide me to the door as we exchanged smiles along the way, trying and failing to stay quiet.

And so we stumbled up onto your rooftop - two giggling teenagers, giddy on the stars.


A/N: thank you so much for reading and for 30K! when i first started this, i honestly didn't expect much as it is quite different from my previous work. i'm in awe of the support you gave me, and i couldn't be more grateful, you are all my precious sunshines and stars and if i could, i'd adopt you all in a heartbeat. :')

thank you for reading too, please do share feedback/your thoughts, it helps me improve! i love you all so much. ♡

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