1.2 | 세 상

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And as I stared at the two of you for longer than I wanted to, my eyes seemingly unable to look away, I felt my heart crumble into pieces the same way sand breaks apart when you hold it in your palms.

The two of you were still hugging, ribbons intertwined in a perfect fit, looking all in the world like a loving couple.

My body was still frozen, my right foot mid-step, my easel bag now hanging by one strap, dangling in the air.

A flutter in my soul, a crack in the seams of my world. Yet all I did was watch, even as my lungs seem to lose its breath.

And I knew that I might be overreacting, that this situation might not even be what I think it is...

But still, should anyone happen to freeze this exact moment, it would be a painting much like that of a tragedy:

A boy and a girl dozens of feet apart - one in the arms of someone else, and the other watching with a broken heart.

And so it could've been a second or five - I didn't know, didn't count. But then you broke apart first, stepping away from her.

I could see you gesturing to the bench, could see both of you exchanging smiles as she placed something in your lap. From where I stood, it looked like a book.

All of a sudden, I felt like an intruder. As if I was watching something I shouldn't.

And so with anxiety on my heels and sadness in my lungs, I did what I always do whenever a problem presented itself.

First my left foot.

Then my right.

I move them back step by step, the ache in my heart a living, breathing thing.

And then, holding back a choked sob, I turned around and ran away.

And all throughout the way back home, spring petals drifted overhead to land gently on the road, scattering amongst the winds to form a pink canvas of the city streets.

Despite myself, I nearly laughed at the irony.

How beautiful the world can be, even when pain seemed to spill my soul to the brim.

My tears soon flowed, despite my best attempts to stop them. They formed a hazy, blurry film over my eyes - a world shimmering and smudged, a plethora of pink and people and pavements.

So carelessly I ran that I accidentally bumped into a strikingly familiar boy in a striped shirt. My heart lurched, my body jolting - but thankfully his hands steadily gripped my waist to right my body.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled quickly, ducking my head down to hide my tears.

Faintly, I could hear him reply with a "you're welcome" and I swore I'd remember his voice anywhere - but at that time I was too preoccupied with thoughts of you.

So I merely nodded before continuing on my way, brushing the encounter aside.

I could feel the boy watching me as I disappear into the crowd.

And in that moment, time made a fool out of me.

Because if I'd known that it was Jeon Jungkook that I'd yet again bumped into, maybe I could've avoided the mess that would follow of me still stubbornly loving you.

Maybe I could've chosen him that day, under the blossoming spring trees.


A/N: someone had previously suggested that it would be easier if I'd used 'Jimin' instead of addressing him as 'you'. while that's true, there is a reason why, and it'll all be clear in the end!

meanwhile, thank you for reading, please do share your thoughts. i love all of you! *sends virtual hugs everywhere* ♡

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