Chapter 21

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3rd person POV:           
MAMA ended,the idol and the fans had just to exited.But there was one question that was going through everybody heads.                                                                  Where was y/n?The idol has not come back in a few minutes.There was a specific couple that was going going backstage.The boy was going to use the bathroom.
So the girlfriend waited out side.But the poor boy didn't know what he was going to  witness next.The boy turn on the lights,that was when he was faced with the missing idol.                                                        Blood coming from his mouth and waist.A bruise on his forehead,In a pool of blood.The boy screamed.Dropping down to the floor,backing away terrified.

The girlfriend quickly went inside the bathroom not caring what was going to happen or what she was doing.Then she saw it too,she scream louder than the boy.

Even the idol and fans could hear it.But she grabbed some towels to help the blood from stoping.The boy finally came back to his senses and helped too.Both of them not caring if their hands had blood on it,only focusing on to saving the idol.

Staff quickly came to see what the commotion was about."CALL 199!"someone said.There was more commotion.The people quickly carefully took the idol out of the bathroom.                                             
The idols and fans were quickly confused from all the commotion.Fans were asking what was happening but no one told them because they were in a rush to save the idol.                                                           Eunwoo grabbed to one of the staff wrist.He notice blood was on their hand."Hey what is going on?"Eunwoo asked.                                                                                               "It's Y/n,he's injured"They replied and quickly went back to the idol.ASTRO quickly followed them,many more idols did too.
                                                   To see what was happening.Then everybody frozen when they came up to the badly injured idol.The girl idols quickly cried even some boys.But ASTRO cried the most seeing their band member injured.Jinjin asked the staff who found him.                                                     The staff pointed to the couple that were getting towels,to clean their hand that had a lot of blood on it.He went to the couple.
"Um excuse me,thank you for finding y/n"Jinjin said and bowed."Its fine,anybody could've found him,We just hope he's gonna be alright"The boy replied.                                                                     The ambulance came and put the boy on the stroller and quickly took him to the ambulance. Y/n's POV:                                                     My vision started to come back.I could see.I was in the hospital.Wires connected to my arms.I felt my head had something around it."H-Hello"I said with my not normal voice.                                                               

God I sound like my dad.Why am I here though?Then the door open.A unknown woman came in.Her eyes widened.She quickly hugged me tightly.But not to tight.                                                                                                    "Your awake!"she said happily."Does anything hurt?""I'm fine but can I ask you a question?"I said quietly.She nodded her head.                                                                                                   



                                                    "Who are you?"

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