Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The Dark Angel smirked down at Nathanial and I, scrubbing a hand considerately down his smooth jaw. I saw that he completely discarded Nate as a threat and his honeysuckle eyes were focused intently on me. Surprisingly, I didn't see immediate death in his eyes so I took it as a good sign.

However, my eyes made note of the way he stroked the handle of the sword strapped to his hip.

Death was definitely on the table when it came to this particular angel.

"So you the one the bitch wants dead, eh?" I didn't appreciate the way he cocked an eyebrow critically. I didn't know what he was saying but I still didn't like the doubt on his face, as if I weren't worth the trouble. It was quite insulting. "But you're just a child,"

I peeked around Nate's shoulder and glared at the Dark Angel. "Eighteen, thank you very much,"

"Alexandrea," Nate hissed under his breath, gripping me tighter behind him. "Shut up,"

My scowl deepened. "He called me a child!" I hissed back. Strangely I wasn't afraid of this Dark Angel even though I knew I should be. Come on, the guy could slice me in half without even blinking and here I was back-chatting.

"He's a Dark Angel! He can say whatever the hell he wants,"

The Dark Angel chuckled in slight amusement, as if he found our bickering funny. "Now, now, human children. I'mma real tired so I would 'preciate if ya would'a stay still while I slice ya heads off. Don't worry, if ya co'perate I will make it nice 'n clean."

Nate balled his fists but took a hesitant step back, dragging me with him. "Look if you want the Angel, have him. We have nothing to do with this," he gestured wildly to where Phoenix was still battling the Darkling's. I noticed one of the Darkling's, the largest shadow, had stalked away from the fight and was stealthily making its way over to us.

Oh crap.

"On the contrary, human boy. She has everything to do with it." The Dark Angel inclined his head in my direction and shrugged his broad shoulders, pulling his sword free of its sheath. "I just follow orders."

"Run, Xan!" Nate shouted, body tensing as if he was prepared to lunge his body at the angel.


"I don't think you want to do that, Lukin,"

Lukin twisted his head slightly to smirk at Phoenix. I blinked at Phoenix in shock. One of the Darklings must have gotten their hooks into him because he had a long gash running across his chest, tendrils of liquid streaming down his pale skin. But that wasn't the shocking thing.

It was the fact that he was bleeding gold blood.

 What the hell were these Angels drinking?

"Ah, Phoenix mi boy," Lukin angled his body to face Phoenix while still keeping an eye on Nate and I.  "Been a long time. Several centuries, I believe?"

 "What do you want, Lukin?" Phoenix snapped, voice cold as ice. I watched, completely mesmerised, as the wound on his chest began to repair itself, the skin stitching together like it had never been marred. 

"It ain't obvious?" Lukin made a point of leering at me. I placed my hands on my hips and glared while Nate made his point by standing in front of me, once again blocking my view. "I want the girl,"

"You can't have her, Lukin," Phoenix said calmly, as if he were speaking to an errant child. 

Lukin pouted. It didn't escape me before how damn beautiful he was either. True to his Irish nature, his red hair haloed his angular face falling to his shoulders, his plump lips bringing a woman's thoughts to the forbidden kind of thought. His wings were a midnight colour streaked with blue, so beautiful it almost brought tears to my eyes in a way completely different to Phoenix's. He was sinfully sexy, radiating that sexual heat that almost had me panting with want.

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