Chapter Five

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Chapter Five 

Dragons. Fucking Dragons!

My eyes widened in amazement at what I was witnessing. You know when you're a kid you dreamed of being a princess, held captive by a ferocious dragon that your prince had to destroy so you could live happily ever after?

Yeah, well, these dragons were nothing like those.

These dragons looked like they were a science experiment gone wrong. They were - mostly - human looking, with the basic human features like two arms, two legs and a face - if you could call it that. The obvious differences that separated them from the human race, however, were frightening enough to dispel fantasies about being enslaved by them.

The creatures were covered in dry blood that peeled off their reptilian scales. Their faces were misshapen, empty holes where their eyes should have been, mouths filled with sharp pointed teeth that could easily rip through steel. Their bodies were stocked with muscle, big, solid builds that rippled with anticipation. Several of the dragons had their wings extended, but they were no where near as beautiful as an angels. Their wings were vein-y limbs attacked to their back. They kind of looked like demented bat wings, the tip of their wings pointed like a scorpion tail.

All in all they kind of resembled my great Aunt Gilly. 

There was also the fact that fire spilled from their mouths that was a dead give away to their not-so-human heritage.

We're screwed, I thought despondently. Truly and utterly screwed.

"Stay close behind me," Phoenix commanded, looking fierce, determined and ready to slay dragons like a fictional prince.

Yeah, good luck with that buddy.

"Regretting ever befriending me?" I murmured to Nate who was pressed tightly against me.

Nate's chest rumbled with a surprised chuckle. "No way. This is the most fun I've had in years,"

Idiot, I thought affectionately just as the closest dragon leaped at us.

Before I had time to duck or even scream, Phoenix was there, sword at the ready. The blade pierced the Dragon's belly, sinking all the way to the hilt. The bugger had flown at us, wings extended, mouth open and ready to bite into my flesh, fire in it's otherwise lifeless eyes. Now with Phoenix's sword embedded in it, it looked no less threatening.

It's bulky body convulsed and it tilted it's head back, a gurgled cry ripping from it's throat. It coughed a puff of smoke before it slumped over the sword. Phoenix threw the dead dragon off the sword with disgust. I wasn't surprised the see that, unlike the angels, the dragons blood was gooey black liquid.

One down, three dozen more to go.

The death of their companion seemed to cause an uprising amongst the dragons. They snarled and made as if they were about to attack, but I suddenly recognised the chain collar restraining them from doing so.

The Darkling's were containing the insane dragons with a leash.

"Raphael's daughter must die," They intoned.

"Err, Nate?"


"I have the strangest feeling - and correct me if I'm wrong here - that they just might be talking about me,"

I heard Nate gulp. "I think so too,"

I nodded slowly. "Good, so it's not just me."


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