Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Raphael's heir.

Miranda's daughter.

Look at her eyes, Irgon.

"What the hell just happened?"

Even though my question was directed to Phoenix, he remained silent, a hard look engraved on his chiseled features. His crystal eyes glistened with mystery, his shoulder muscles tense. He still held the Blade of Michael in his hand, as if he expected more mythical creatures to come charging at us.

Nate stumbled his way over to me, his normally neat hair sticking up in all directions. He looked positively frazzled, his big blue eyes wider than normal and fixated on me with a mixture of relief and fear. Not fear of me, but fear for me.

The sweet idiot. 

"Are you okay?" Without waiting for an answer, Nate gathered me into his arms, squishing me into his chest. I could feel the after shocks of adrenaline rolling through him. "God. I'm so glad your okay,"

I let myself sink into his embrace, letting that feeling of safety and contentment envelop me before I hurriedly pulled away, scared at just how much I craved his touch. He reluctantly released me and settled for a hand on my waist. I shot him an annoyed look even as though I was grateful he didn't break all contact.

"Let's get out of here," Nate murmured, eyes narrowed on Phoenix's still formed. Accusation burned in the depth of his blue gaze. "Before more creatures of the night pop out and try to kill us again,"

I shook my head, my eyes locked on Phoenix whose face gave away nothing of his thoughts, though he continued to stare back at me, his eyes glowing that eerie white light. 

"Wait," I murmured to Nathanial before I spoke louder, again directing it to the angel. "Who's Miranda?" 

I really shouldn't have been surprised when my answer was silence.

Breathing a sigh of frustration, I ran a hand through my tangled strands, wincing when my nails got caught in them. I grimaced when I saw the dirt streaks on my clothes, the wet ground have damped them and clung to my body like a second skin. The cold breeze knocked against me, chilling me to the bone. Sudden exhaustion swept over me and I stumbled, right into Nathanial's arms.

Sleep, a deep voice commanded me and, against my will, I found myself closing my eyes.

"Xan?" His voice penetrated the fog that had abruptly clouded my brain.

I tried to open my eyes, but my lid's were heavy, as if weights were being pressed on them. My limbs felt weak and jelly-like, all my weight now supported by Nathanial's strong arms. The cold was unbearable and I used what little of my strength I had left to bury myself deeper into his warm embrace.

"What did you do to her?" I dimly heard Nate growl.

"She needs her rest and I need to leave. I am being Called. See to it that she does not remain alone this night. I will be back."

I felt the spiritual essence leave the field and I knew Phoenix had disappeared.

Damned angels, was my last conscious thought before my body and mind surrendered to darkness.


"You have failed me, Lukin,"

The Dark Fallen smiled angelically even as his wound throbbed. "'Failed' is such a harsh word, don't ya think? I prefer the term 'temporarily held off'."

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