Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Something wasn't right, was my first conscious thought.

On the contrary...something felt too right.

Heat wrapped around my body like a tight cocoon of safety. Long since had the coldness in my bones been replaced by a pleasant glow that seemed to emanate towards the rest of my body, spreading through my veins and settling deep in my stomach, setting off strange flutters. My mind, still sleep ridden, didn't fully comprehend that there was a hard human body pressing hard against my back. My body moved without my conscious consent, snuggling deeper into the broad chest, greedily drinking in the warmth the body behind me offered. My heart felt so full of contentment that I didn't really want to wake up to the cruel reality that I would have to face in the morning.

Nate, my heart seemed to purr his name, completely satisfied.

As if he heard my hearts yearning call, Nate's body shuffled closer so all ends of our bodies were touching. His arm around my stomach tightened and he buried his face deep in my hair, mumbling unintelligible words under his breath. 

 Well, I mused. This is interesting.

I didn't bother trying to wiggle out of Nate's arms. Deep in sleep, his arms were like iron bands, imprisoning me to his chest. Not that I could necessarily complain. If I were being completely honest with myself, than I'd admit that I loved having Nate this close to me, loved the feeling of safety his arms offered.

But since I was still in the early stages of denial, I refrained from digging too much into my emotions.

 Raphael's heir.

Miranda's daughter.

I blew out a long breath. Last night's events left me, to say the least, completely floored. I couldn't pretend to know what had happened, but from what I had heard and observed, it was pretty clear that someone wanted me dead - which was weird considering that I hadn't - I assumed - pissed off anyone enough for them to want me dead.

I guess I could play stupid - say "Oh, obviously those Darklings, Dragons, goblin and Fallen angel hadn't been after me. No, they surely must have me confused for someone else," - but realistically, those creatures were after blood.

More specifically, my blood.

 A sliver of fear snaked through my spine, raising goosebumps along my arms, my body subconsciously sinking further back into Nate, seeking and relishing his protective warmth. I didn't bother trying to question my body's strange reactions. I knew it would only cause more confusion and I had enough questions to deal with without the added complication of Nate.

Lukin. The infamous Dark Angel of death and lust had been sent to kill me, that much was obvious from his words and the intent in his eyes.

 But why? As far as I knew, I hadn't done anything towards the Dark Angel.

But then again, according to his words, he was only there on a mission for someone else. Someone else wanted me dead and had sent a dark angel to do their bidding.

Phoenix, I growled internally. The Light angel bastard knew exactly what was going on.

 And hell if I wasn't going to find out the truth one way or another. Torture didn't sound like too bad of an idea. Maybe even pluck a few of his feathers for good measure-

"Stop thinking," Nate grunted in my ear, his arms tightening around my middle when I jumped. "I can hear it from over here,"

I shifted in his arms, turning my body so our fronts touched. I pointedly ignored the butterflies that were going insane in my stomach.

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