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There was an ancient story regarding this mermaid who eats people seen lurking around the lake near the shrine during late at night. As what the local folks say, it was a very lovely creature in the form of half human and half fish, attracting passersby by its own beauty and then when they approach the said creature, it will kill them by drowning and feast on the victim’s body, never to be found again. They say that that creature was a former God but because people took advantage of such God’s kindness, he turned into a vicious creature, punishing humans and seeking revenge for the bad things they did.
“That sort of story is just plain stupid.” Jeonghan said as he looked at his cousins who were telling scary stories and random folklores that night. He looked bored as he leaned on the table, eating random fruits in front of him and though saying he was not interested seems to be also listening.
“Then don’t listen stupid.” His cousin, Seungcheol said, throwing him a dirty glare that he returned back.
“Find another spot then.” Seungkwan, his other cousin muttered, snatching a grape from Jeonghan’s bowl of random fruits.
“Then stop telling stupid lies to those kids and making them believe that mermaids exist. You haven’t even seen shit like that.” He said, once again focusing on his watermelon and later on received a not so nice smack on his head from his cousin.
“That’s what a city boy for you.” Seungcheol said cunningly.
“If only I could return to the city then I won’t be listening to your stupidity anymore.”  He said sighing, rubbing that part where Seungcheol hit.

Yoon Jeonghan was originally from the city, where lights were brightly shining during those late nights, where partying doesn’t seems to end almost every day, where every trend mostly happens and where different culture could be found. He was fond of the city where he grew up. In the city, there was a boost of technology and he was a big fan of it. He could have every gadget that was newly released, he could buy every clothes he wanted, he could eat the food he wanted and even meet people that share the same interests as him. He was a pleaser back in the city and he have many friends that he’d lost count how many. But this one incident made his parents decide that he has to stay in the country side. He has some lungs problem and they thought that making him stay in the polluted parts of the city won’t do any good for his health, even his doctor told him that he needed fresh air because as a kid, he never get to absorb one—
That was the reason he get to listen to the same story every night, about this fish God lurking around the pond near the shrine during evenings and baiting on to people with his beauty before eating them. Honestly, he thought that it was an absurd story and ever since he arrived at the country side, he doesn’t get to witness people dying, perhaps the old age won’t count but foolish people dying near the pond? Impossible.
“How could you not have electricity here like right now?” Jeonghan asked bitterly.
“It is a scheduled cut off so shut up and forget your gadgets even once. Do you know it’ll ruin your eyes?” Seungcheol warned, sitting together with him on the small table in the living room.
“Who cares about those stuffs, glasses could always save you when your vision starts to fail anyways.” He reasoned out and all Seungcheol could do was release a big sigh because his cousin was just plain stupid. He doesn’t want to hit his head anymore because his head was already loose, he don’t need to make bigger damage anymore.
“Who were all those people anyway and why do they love your gossips?” he asked.
“For your information it is not a gossip. It is a legend and gossip is different from legends.” Seungcheol sighed. “And maybe I’m sure you don’t know most of them, they are from the neighboring houses and it is our hobby to hang out together when times like this happens, we also hang out every day but because you love your gadgets more that socializing then you’re being shut off.”
“Oh please. I have lots of friends back in the city so you can’t chew me for not socializing with you guys and I am not interested in country side kids. Usually they are boring.” Jeonghan said then Seungcheol frowned at him. “But hey I am not saying that you are boring. I mean you’re cool, you know how to use a phone at least.” Jeonghan laughed and that seems to offend Seungcheol.
“We are not ancient people so of course we know how to use phones. It may not be as trendy as yours but it’s fine like this. At least we don’t focus too much on boring things and gets on with life with so much interest.” He reasoned out but Jeonghan didn’t care.
“Whatever you say.” Jeonghan muttered, fanning himself and shooing some mosquitoes that will come to him every now and then.
“I guess I have to sleep then. I have an early day tomorrow.” Seungcheol excused himself.
“And what’s with the people here anyways? Needing to sleep like as early as 8 o’clock? Honestly. “Stop whining and just sleep. Tomorrow we’ll gather bamboo shots in the forest, it’s their season.” Seungcheol said and Jeonghan can’t help but roll his eyes and lie down on the wooden floor of the house where he was staying.
Now that he’d realized, even the house where he was staying was none other than he had back in the city. This house was old, who knows if it was being invaded by termites but it looks like any time soon, it’d collapse and disappear forever. It’s like those ancient Japanese style homes where there were too much sliding doors, and where everything was mostly made of woods. Sure it was huge because there were like 5 or 6 room, the last room being a storage room for things that was older than him. There wasn’t any sofa and the living room consist of a very small old fashioned TV with a small table in the middle and pillows being the only thing you could sit on when you feel like watching the television. He admit that the outside view from the so-called living room was really fresh in the eye with trees and flowers nearby, a small fish pond where frogs lives instead of fishes and where his aunt mostly hang the futons during early morning. Actually it was a view that you could enjoy while having tea but for Jeonghan, that’s not it! He don’t care whether the moon was brightly shining that night, the light streaming from the glass sliding door (the only glass door there is) towards the living room and he don’t care if it was a beautiful view because what he cares mostly was his missing city life back where he came from.
Though feeling lazy, he stood up on his feet and closed the door, clicking the lock and carrying his left over to put it in the fridge. At least there was a fridge—the old styled one. He sighed once again before going to the bathroom to brush his teeth and after that he was off to bed. There was no any sign of having electricity so he can’t enjoy playing on his PS3 and his phone was already out of battery. He had his laptop with him too but there wasn’t even any internet access in that area so everything was really dull and boring for him. It was the same routine like everyday – sleep early, wake up early, eat, rest, eat and whatever.

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