Chapter 08

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“Seriously what’s up with you and why do we have to even follow him here?” Minghao asked scratching his head as he realized where they were.

He looked at Jeonghan who was sitting adjacent to him and too focused with the same person from before, the one giving out flyers out of their shop and advertising the restaurant where he works.

Jeonghan decided to follow Jisoo after he managed to give out all of his flyers and return to the restaurant where he works. Minghao had no other choice but to tag along because Jeonghan kept dragging him and insisting that he come with him since their plan had already messed up and they doesn’t have anything to do anymore.
As they arrived in front of the restaurant where this Jisoo guy works, they saw how the shop looks like it has been standing there for ages. The exterior paint of the said restaurant were peeling off and shop’s name looks like it was missing a letter because of how one of the light bulbs attached to it has long since busted, and the others now looking dim. When Minghao saw that, he wanted to immediately leave but since Jeonghan was persistent that they enter in, he followed and though the exterior was unacceptable, the interior was far better. Pretty much, the walls were designed with bricks and the floor has been neatly kept. There were series of small lights attached to the wall with photos of famous people who had been there before, perhaps in the early 90’s since the photos were nothing but black and white. The tables and chairs were made with shiny wood and it does really give off such nostalgic ambiance from the early centuries. The menu bar was still kept intact and though improved, to Minghao’s perception, the design looks terrible unlike the modern ones. It was one small restaurant and for Jeonghan, it was his first time ever being there.

“This place sucks.” Minghao said bored as he rested his cheek on his palms leaning on the table. Jeonghan frowned at him and only shook his head because Minghao’s attitude was once again showing off. This guy prefers fancy restaurant, those with expensive looking food and those where the most riches often eat. 
On the other side, Jeonghan wasn’t too focused on the stuff Minghao does since he kept glancing at Jisoo’s direction who was then tending on one of their many customers. That place seems to be more popular than what they expected for there were such a number of people eating there when they arrived.

“Let’s just stay here for a while, try some food maybe?” Jeonghan said towards Minghao who immediately groaned upon hearing what Jeonghan said. 

Minghao could only roll his eyes and act more bored as he fiddled with his phone. You could hear him sigh every now and then showing how naive he was but Jeonghan could care less. He was more interested on that person, Jisoo who resembled Joshua a lot and now he started to wonder if they were somehow related with each other or perhaps the same person, what a ridiculous idea, he thought. 
As they waited on the table on the farthest corner, a waiter went towards them handling the both of them the menu. The waiter was a small guy with black hair and slit-like eyes. Their uniform, being a plain white polo-shirt underneath a black blazer and a black ribbon attached on his neck made him look like a high schooler. Pairing with the top was a fitted black slack where he took the small notepad from and he was ready to scribble. Jisoo was wearing the same thing but not when he was out giving out those flyers since it was really breezy outside.

'‘Good evening sirs, can I take your drinks?” He asked, trying his best to put up his best smile that made him look like a cat all of a sudden.
“Cola for me.” Minghao answered as he started scanning the menu and somehow start to empathize with the choices. On the other hand, the waiter started scribbling on his notepad and looked at Jeonghan.
‘Water for me please. With ice.” Jeonghan answered and the waiter then disappeared right after that, perhaps going to take their drinks and serve it when they’re ready.

The menu contains a whole lot variety of food that you can have a choice on. There was seafood made dishes, there were lamb steaks and more that made Jeonghan’s mouth water as he kept reading on. It’s been a while since he ate such food and now he started to crave. Though he don’t have any complaints against the grilled squid and freshly gathered fishes and seashells, still, it would be really nice that he could once again eat such properly made delicacies.
Minutes later, the same waiter appeared and this time, Jeonghan managed to see his name tag which told him that he was named “Lee Jihoon” and was called “Woozi”.

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