Coincidence? I Think Not!

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On Friday, Scott drags me along with him to go to the rave that Allison is supposed to be going to with Matt. For 'research purposes' and I know that's bullshit.

The both of us lurk in the shadows, something that I've very good at doing lately until Scott works up the confidence to approach Matt.

"Matt, how much are tickets?" he asks him as he gets closer.

"Seventy-five," he says before turning away.

"Good God!" I whisper to Scott.

"Can I borrow some money?" he asks Matt.

"Yeah, how much?"


I literally face-palm myself in the middle of the line of people.

"Scott! You can't do that! What are you, an idiot?" I whisper-yell at him as he pulls me toward the back of the line.

"Just shut up," he mumbles.

Only a couple of minutes later, I spot someone familiar looking at the start of the line.

I touch Scott's arm to get his attention, "Hey, is that Jackson?"

"Yeah, we need to talk to Derek. We need to understand who Jackson is going after," he grabs my arm and pulls me toward the exit.

"I'll call him."

After getting off the phone with my brother, we head toward the animal hospital to see Deaton and meet Derek there.

When Derek shows up, Scott unlocks the door for him and asks, "What's he doing here?"

I sit in the desk chair, spinning around to face the rest of the room.

"I need him," Derek says as he walks inside with Issac following him.

"I don't trust him."

"Well he doesn't trust you either," Issac says as Scott closes the door behind him.

"And you know what? Derek really doesn't care. Now, where's the vet? Is he gonna help us or not?"

Deaton leans on the wall near me, "That depends. You friend Jackson, were we planning to kill him or save him?"

Derek and Scott disagree vocally as the two say the different options posed to them.

"Save him!" Scott corrects Derek and tells Deaton.

I smirk and laugh to myself as Deaton brings all of us back to the operating room.

The four of us werewolves line up on the side of the operating table opposing Deaton, me in between Isaac and Scott to diffuse the evergrowing tension.

Deaton sets a set of small corked jars in front of us and Issac reaches for them only to be stopped by Derek, "Watch what you touch."

Issac leans forward onto the table and asks, "So, what are you? Some kind of witch?"

Deaton, picking up different jars and looking at them, answers, "No. I'm a veterinarian. Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin."

"We're open to suggestions," Derek states.

"What about an effective offense?" Issac asks.

"We already tried. I nearly took its head off and Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up," Derek tells Deaton.

"Not to mention my throwing it into various walls and such!" I add.

"Yeah, was that before or after it threw you through a concrete wall?" Derek scoffs.

I take a step back and throw a punch at the back of his head, landing exactly where I wanted it to and Derek's hand flies to the back of his head in pain.

"You're just as bad as Peter," I mumble before taking my place between Scott and Issac again.

"Has it shown any weaknesses?" Deaton asks after our little scene is over.

"Well for one it can't swim," Derek answers.

"Does that go for Jackson as well?" Deaton asks.

"No. He's a captain of the swim team," Scott says.

"Essentially you're trying to catch two people," Deaton turns around to grab something from a drawer behind him, "A puppet and a puppeteer. One killed the husband, but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?"

I pick the small circular object up off of the table as Scott says, "I don't think Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant too and she was maybe murdered. I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else."

"How do you know it's not part of the rules?" Issac asks as he stares at the object in my hands, "A kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too."

"So would that mean your father was a murderer?" Scott asks as I set the object down onto the table.

"It wouldn't surprise me if he was."

"Hold on, the book says they're bonded right?" Deaton asks.

Derek nods as I say, "Yeah, but it doesn't exactly explain how in very much detail."

"What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson but from the person controlling him?" Deaton brainstorms, "What if something that affects the kanima also affects its master?"

Deaton picks up the jar of mountain ash and sprinkles it around the circular object.

"Meaning what?" Issac asks.

"Meaning we can catch them!" Scott says, "Both of them."


Around lunch the next day, I get cornered in the cafeteria by Scott and Stiles.

"Issac got all three of us tickets for that show that everyone's going to," Scott says.

"Please tell me that he didn't beat someone to a pulp to get them!" I run my fingers through my hair.

By the looks on their faces, I already know the answer and sigh, "Of course he did. I'm going to beat him to a pulp now too for being an idiot!"

"Hadlee, we need his help with Jackson too," Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, well after we are done dealing with the whole kanima thing I'm beating him senseless," I state with a straight face, "Deaton said that he has a plan for catching Jackson, are you meeting with him today?"

"Yeah, after school. You coming too?" Scott asks.

"Actually no, I promised Derek that I'd help him with Erika and Issac later today," I say, "But fill me in after you're done, okay? I'll see you later tonight at the show, yeah?"

"Yeah, see you later!" Scott says before I run off to find my brothers' betas before having to go to class.

Once I see Issac in the hallway, I stop him to ask, "What's Derek planning for tonight? Because he won't tell me."

"He's only told Erika so far, but he's supposed to tell me later today when we get back to the subway," he answers as we move down the hallway toward our classrooms.

"Okay, whenever you do find out will you please tell me? Because Scott and Stiles are meeting with Deaton later to talk about some plan that he came up with."

"Did he specify what kind of plan?"

"No, but they're going to tell me about it after they've talked to him."

He nods in understanding.

Issac is silent for a little while as we walk down the hallway before he suddenly stops in his tracks to turn to me and ask, "Will you help me learn how to control my wolfing out? Because Derek obviously hasn't."

"Yeah, of course. It will definitely take a while to not really feel the effects of a full moon, but it will really help with your playing lacrosse and smaller emotional obstacles like that."

"Thank you, Hadlee."

I smile at the slightly less cocky beta and say, "It's not problem."

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