Let's Not Get Shot!

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Later that night I meet both Scott and Stiles at the warehouse after a lengthy phone call from Scott explaining Deaton's plan to me.

"Hey," I approach the pair in the midst of Stiles complaining about his importance in the plan.

"Okay, this plan is really starting to suck," Stiles tells Scott when he mentions that neither he or I could grab the bag of mountain ash.

Seconds later Scott's attention is drawn elsewhere, "No. Not here, not now!"

"What? Scott! What am I supposed to-- plan officially sucks!" Stiles calls after him as my attention is drawn to what Scott takes off after - Allison.

"Stay out of the way!" Scott yells to his ex-girlfriend over the loud music before storming away, past me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. My dad and Gerard are here and they're after Jackson," she tells me, obviously stressed out that both her family and Scott are here.

"Okay, we'll figure something out. Let me talk to Scott," I tell her before leaving her to find the teenager talking to Isaac, giving him some sort of syringe thing to get Jackson to slow down, "Scott, I need to find my brother before he starts a fight. Are you guys okay in here?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine," he tells me, both boys nodding in response. I quickly make my way outside to find Derek and Boyd waiting for me.

"You're late," he states, face unmoving and slightly annoyed.

"A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early," I quote, flipping my hair over my shoulder and quickly pulling my jeans up that had previously been riding down slightly.

"The Princess Diaries, really?"

"Yes, really. Now let's go and try to figure out what the hell the Argent's want," I tell him before walking toward where I could hear them approaching the warehouse.

"Derek. Back off," Allison's dad tells him.

"Back off? That's really all you've got?" Derek asks, slightly amused at the evergrcwingly tense situation at hand, "I've got to be honest, Chris. I was really expecting more from the, uh, big bad veteran werewolf hunter."

"Okay, then. How about 'didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring claws to a gunfight?'" he smirks at my brother just before all of the rest of his hunting clan cocks their guns and aims them at us.

"Yeah, that one sounded pretty good," Boyd says, obviously intimidated by the amount of gun barrels pointed at us.

Derek just rolls his eyes and sighs before I murmur, "Okay, uh, time to not get shot."

All three of us dive behind a dumpster just before every gun goes off in our direction, my brother nodding at Boyd and me just before the three of us take the advantage.

I pull myself up and over the dumpster, flipping off of it and swiftly taking down one of Argent's men as I land. Another swings their gun towards me, but I use the momentum of his swing to quickly shove it back into his face. Easily breaking his nose, tossing the gun aside like a toy and landing a heavy kick to his chest - sending the man to the ground, sliding backward a few feet.

One man shoots out a taser at my brother, landing on the target as he takes out another one of Argent's men.

"Please don't let me get shot," I mutter to myself before sweeping one man off of his feet just after he lands a bullet in Boyd. I dive behind the dumpster again, pulling Boyd along with me as Derek pushes the two of us behind cover.

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