Figuring Out What "It" Is

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I'm fairly sure about two hours pass before anything interesting happens. I will need a shower later, that's for sure! Derek gets after Stiles and I for arguing most of the time, although he is paralyzed from the neck down because of the toxin so he has no room to talk.

A growl, then a crash, then a bang sounds and Scott appears. Fully wolfed out. He helps me pull Derek and Stiles out of the water the goes after Jackson. The reptile shapeshifter easily tosses him into a nearby mirror on a wall, shattering it in the process.

Scott grabs one of the larger pieces of reflective glass and holds it up in defense. The reptile glances into it and becomes confused.


Stories that my mother had told me come fluttering back into the front of my brain.

"Great," I mumble as the Kanima climbs up the wall and out the glass sunroof, shattering that too.

"You guys alright?" Scott asks.

"Yeah. We're fine," I pull Derek to his feet, slinging an arm around me to hold him up while he regains feeling.

"Allison and I found the bestiary," Scott states.

"Where is it?" Stiles asks before coughing up a small amount of water.

"It's the USB on his keys," Scott explains.

"My laptop's in my car," I offer.

"I'll get his keys," Stiles takes off toward Gerard's office.

"Are you okay to stand?" I ask my brother who is still leaning on my smaller frame.

He grunts in frustration, "I think so."

"Okay, I'll check on Erica," I let him go to stand on his own.

"I'll check on her, you go get your laptop," Scott says, already moving toward the unconscious blonde. I nod, and take off jogging toward my car.

I quickly unlock the doors and reach in the backseat where my backpack and laptop case is located.

"Hello sweetheart."

My head whips around to match the voice to the face.

"Oh come on!" I groan, throwing my hands up, "I thought you were dead!"

"Well, I was. Until a certain someone brought me back to life."

"Peter, what are you doing here? Did Lydia resurrect you?" I ask, slamming the car door and slinging the strap of my laptop case over my shoulder.

"I don't know. You tell me," he shrugs, avoiding my question, "But aren't you going to come give your favorite uncle a hug?"

"Uh no. Just because your my only uncle doesn't mean that you're my favorite," I go to walk away from him only to have a hand fly out and latch itself into my arm.

"Really?" I glance at his hand then back up at his face.

"Yes. Really. Just because you're my niece doesn't mean that I won't forcefully make you take me to your brother," his claws dig through my long sleeved shirt and into my arm.

"Let go of my arm," I growl at him.

"Well you do want answers don't you?" He asks in a sickly sweet tone of voice.

"Answers for what?" A hard glare etched into my facial features.

"What your mother didn't tell you."

"What do you mean?" I ask as he releases his grip on my arm, allowing it to heal itself.

He reaches for my neck, causing me to pull away by instinct, "Such a pretty necklace. I remember when your mother gave it to you."

"Don't touch it! It's one of the only things that I still have from her!" I state.

"Haven't you ever wondered why she gave it you?" He questions.


"You have? Haven't you?" A smirk creeps onto my uncle's face.

"Yes," I state in a softer tone.

"That little alpha getting scared? I never knew you as one to be scared," he drawls.

"I'm not scared," I state as forcefully as I can. Which isn't very much might I add.

"Your mother gave you that necklace to hide your true eyes," he states, reaching for my necklace again, "So that you wouldn't take advantage of your power at a young age."

"What do you mean my true eyes? And what power?" I question in a raised tone.

"Take it off and see for yourself," he moves away from my side mirror on the car.

I hesitantly take a step forward to look in the reflective glass. Peter's hands find their way to my hair to move it to one side. My trembling hands reach to unclasp the chain on my mothers necklace.

His hand flies to stop me, "Wait! Watch the change with your eyes."

I slowly close my blue-grey eyes and feel the tingling feeling of them changing to my werewolf blue before slowly opening them again.

"Good, now look in the mirror and take off the necklace," Peter instructs.

I slowly unclasp the necklace and pull it away from my neck. My werewolf blue suddenly changes to an alpha's red.

"What does this mean?" I whip around to look at him, eyes ablaze.

"Hadlee, dear. You're a born alpha," he puts a hand on my shoulder, "You're stronger than any true alpha ever could wish to be."

"W-Why didn't I know about this?" I ask, shrugging his hand off.

"Your mother didn't want anyone to tell you. She kept it a secret to keep you safe," he explains.

"M-mom knew?" I imply, "That's why she gave me the necklace huh?"

He nods.

"What is it made of? Hiding a werewolf's eyes is not an easy thing," I ask.

"That, I do not know. You will have to ask Doctor Deaton about that one," he points a finger at me to get his point across, "As of now, I must go. Your... friends are coming."

"Wait! But I have more questions!" I yell after his figure as he walks away.

He turns, walking backwards and says, "I will be around. You just need to call for me."

After that, he disappears. I look back into the mirror at my eyes and I fall into a daze, staring into my own eyes.


A hand places itself on my shoulder moments later, drawing me out of my daze, "Hadlee. What's taking you so long?"


"I'm an alpha," I whisper, not looking away from the side mirror of the car.

"What?" He asks, obviously confused.

Necklace in hand, I turn to him with my wolf eyes saying:

"I'm an alpha."

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