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The next day at school after the lunch bell rings to dismiss us from our classes, I find Scott in the hallway and yank him into an empty classroom.

"Wh- hey what's up?" Scott asks when the door closes behind him, confused as all hell. I drop my backpack on the nearest desk and sit down.

"I think I owe you an apology."

"What for?"

"I jumped to conclusions and assumed you were working with Gerard. I should've known better. You're not like that," I unconsciously fiddle with the necklace around my neck, the one that hides my red eyes.

"It's okay. I don't blame you for not trusting the Argent's."

"It's not like they killed my family or anything," I smirk in self deprication.

Scott, not knowing whether to laugh or be mildly concerned, says, "Well there's that too."

"I also just don't like what Gerard was doing to Allison. I can tell she's a good person when she's not around him," I tell him, crossing my legs so my feet are curled under me in the chair.

Scott's body language tells it all when he sighs, "Yeah."

"Is everything okay?"

"No, yeah. It's just- we broke up last night so..."

"Oh, no. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought her up," I facepalm.

"I-it's okay. Probably for the best," he shrugs, leaning against the table next to me.

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing you have me and Stiles to bug you all summer long then, huh?" I nudge him with my shoulder, smiling warmly.

"You and Stiles? Probably not a good thing."

A shit-eating grin makes its way to my face and before Scott can say anything else I launch myself out of the chair, throw my backpack over my shoulder and run into the hallway yelling, "Stiles!"

The next thing I know, Scott is covering my mouth and pulling me back into the classroom.


"If I say that you and Stiles together with me all summer is a good idea, will you stop yelling?" He drops his hand from my mouth, his other hand lingering just a tiny bit longer than the other before dropping to his side.

I shrug and answer, "Yeah."

"Okay, good," he sighs, running a hand through his hair and closing his eyes. I take the opportunity and make a run for it, sprinting down the hall yelling for Stiles frantically trying to hold back fits of laughter.

"Miss Hale! Mr. McCall!" Mr. Harris calls after me. In turn, I run faster toward the double doors and outside with Scott right behind me.

"Sorry! Gotta blast Harris!"

"Were you really looking for Stiles?" Scott asks after I sit down on the bleachers at the lacrosse field.

"Nope. I was just going to text him later."

"Remind me why we associate with you?"

"Because who else would be the better version of my brother?" I flip my hair over my shoulder dramatically and give him a toothy grin, "Not to mention, I grew up in Beacon Hills-minus the six months I spend in Mexico."

He looks like he's trying not to smile, eyebrows furrowing in a far too adorable fashion, "Mexico?"

"Yeah. I ran down there for the first six months after the fire to get away from the Argent's, ended up pissing off some hunters down there too by accident, and then I came back to Devonford," I explain, fishing my keys out of my backpack, "Care for anything other than crappy cafeteria food?"

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