Oh, Here We Go

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The next day, Derek had asked me to help his new betas to control their wolfing out before the full moon; which isn't going to be easy for them considering they haven't had much time to even get used to being a werewolf now.

Derek hauls out an old chest from the Hale house, one that had always been in our living room growing up. He opens it and the lid clangs on the ground as the old hinges and locks squeak in protest.

"What is that?" Isaac asks, running his fingers against the three spirals on the inside of the trunk lid that my brother had previously let slam on the ground in front of him.

"It's a triskele," Boyd answers, earning a shocked look from Derek and I both, "Spirals mean different things-- past, present, future. Mother, father, child."

"You know what it means to me?" Derek asks him sassily, not expecting Boyd to answer correctly.

"Alpha, beta, omega?"

"That's right," Derek's eyebrows crinkle in confusion but also awe, "It's a spiral. Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become alphas, but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas."

"Like Scott? Or Hadlee?" Isaac questions, arms crossed over his chest.

"Scott's with us."

"Really? Then where is he now?"

"He's looking for Jackson. Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either. None of us will," Derek says, moving to pull various chains out of the trunk, "There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal. But tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find."

"Good thing I had my period last week, then," Erika states, earning a small scoff from me.

"That won't make any difference," I tell her, pulling my hair into a messy bun on top of my head.

"Well, this one's for you," Derek scoffs, holding up a large metal hoop with spikes. One that Peter used on me when I was around eight and still learning to control myself on the full moons.

"And let me tell you, that one hurts like hell. So have fun," I smirk, clapping a hand on her shoulder.


"What if we break free?" Boyd asks as Derek chains him to the inside of one of the subway cars.

"Then you'll do anything you can to get out of here. Probably try to kill Hadlee and me, then kill each other and kill anything else with a heartbeat," Derek finishes up with Boyd's chains before nodding to me, "I need you to hold her."

I move behind a scared looking Erika, looping my arms underneath hers and clasping my hand around one of my wrists behind her head so she can't break free of my hold as Derek puts the headband on her.

"So how come she gets to wear the headband?" Isaac asks, helping me keep a hold on Erika.

"Because she'll be able to withstand more pain than the two of you. I've got an extra one if you really want it," Derek suggests as Erika scoffs in disbelief.

Isaac shaking his head, "Nah, I'm alright."

"You ready?" Derek asks, more so me than Erika as I tighten my grip on her and she nods and answers yes.

My brother raised the metal object above her head, my grip tightening more so the closer he gets to her head and screws it tight. The poor girls screams ringing out loudly throughout the subway tunnels as she unsuccessfully tries to wiggle out of my grip.

To Hadlee from Scott:

You're helping Derek with Boyd, Isaac, and Erika tonight. Right?

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