Episode 1: The Guardians

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Maze looks up at the school. She hesitates a moment, watching a crowd slowly build around the school's entrance. She takes a deep breath, before joining the crowd, a small bag over her shoulder. The view changes to Nicolas, who is stood with his mother, two younger sisters and younger brother. There are two suitcases on the floor next to him and he is wearing a rucksack.

MRS. THORNTON: Have you got everything, Nicolas? I don't want to have to come back tomorrow to bring you stuff.
NICOLAS: I'm sure I've got everything. If not, I'll have to manage without.

Christine snorts.

NICOLAS: What's so funny?
CHRISTINE: I'm just trying to picture you without your phone. You were glued to it all summer. Smombie.
NICOLAS: Well, all the friends I need'll be here. I won't need to text people anymore.
LOLA (offended and upset): What about me? I'm your friend too, right?
NICOLAS: Of course! But I won't text you. (with a smile) I'll call you. All of you!
LOLA: Every day?
NICOLAS: I can't promise that but they'll be regular calls.
JACK: Will you show us all the awesome fight moves you learn?
NICOLAS: You bet! And one day, it'll be you here at Espoir Academy and me saying goodbye.

Mrs. Thornton breaks into tears.

NICOLAS: Are you alright, mum?
MRS. THORNTON: I'm just so proud of you! My boy, going to Espoir!

Nicolas gives Mrs. Thornton a hug.

NICOLAS: I'll see you in the winter holidays, mum.
MRS. THORNTON: I know, I know... Join the crowd. Make some friends! And Nicolas... Do what makes you happy.

Nicolas smiles, quickly kissing his mum on the cheek before lifting up his bags and joining the crowd. We catch a glimpse of Vaiana anxiously shifting from side to side, staff in her hand and a rucksack. The view then switches to Ashlynn and Hayden. They are both holding a suitcase.

ASHLYNN: Is it just me or is this one of the biggest moments in our life?
HAYDEN: What do you think?
ASHLYNN: It is not just me...?
HAYDEN: Yeah, it's not! I can't wait!
ASHLYNN: Do you think we will be on the same team?
HAYDEN: I know so, Ashlynn.
ASHLYNN: I hope so...
HAYDEN: There is no need to waste your energy. Like I said, I know we will be.

The view then shifts to Eliana, who hugs her parents goodbye.

ELIANA: Promise to look after Orange?
MRS. SAROY: Yes, Eliana, we've promised to look after the fish a thousand times.
ELIANA: Okay, I guess I'll have to trust you. I'll call you.
MR. SAROY: We'll answer.
ELIANA: Well, I think they're opening the doors soon. Is it okay if I try to get to the front of the crowd? I mean, maybe the first ten in get a cake or special dorms or-
MRS. SAROY: We get it.
ELIANA: So, uh, can I?
MRS. SAROY: Please.
MR. SAROY: Good luck.
ELIANA: Thank you! I'll call!

Eliana has already started to walk away with her two suitcases.

MRS. SAROY: I worry about her... She's never really been on her own...
MR. SAROY: Valerie. It's the next step in her education.
MRS. SAROY: I know... But they're all still so young...

The view changes to Amber, who gets off a bus with her suitcase in her hand and is wearing a rucksack, followed by Daria, who has a suitcase and a bag over her shoulder. The view changes again to Adeline, who is with Lilian and Alexander. The two sisters hug.

LILIAN: I'm going to miss you so much, Adi.
ADELINE: I know, Lilian. But I'll stay in touch.
LILIAN: I know you will...

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