Episode 12: Follow your heart

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Maze is sat opposite Principal Ferran.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: I must say, I find the behaviour you showed in that battle highly unacceptable! To accidentally injure somebody in battle, while bad, is not too severe. But too deliberately injure a person after the battle was already won? Be grateful that you haven't been expelled, Miss Parks.
MAZE: Look, I didn't mean to hurt her.
PRINCIPAL FERRAN: I cannot read your mind, Miss Parks, I cannot know for sure whether that is true.
MAZE: Please, believe me, Principal Ferran. I don't understand what drove me to attack her. I just know that I will try to avoid injuring anyone in future.

Principal Ferran sighs.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: You'd better. As for your punishment... You will not be allowed to take part in any battles outside of lessons until I or your combat teacher tell you otherwise. For the rest of this week, you are not permitted to take part in any battles in your combat class and once you have permission again, you will be closely observed. If you show any signs of sadistic tendencies, there will be consequences.

Principal Ferran sighs.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: A guardian fights to protect, not for pleasure. (muttering) Though it's hard to find kind hearted guardians nowadays...
MAZE: It's sad that so many just fight for fun.
PRINCIPALL FERRAN: Yes. Well, Miss Parks, that will be all.
MAZE: Actually... I'd like to tell you a story, miss...
PRINCIPAL FERRAN ("Please don't let it be a sob story, I can't handle a sob story-"): Miss Parks, I'm extremely busy, I don't have time for a random story.
MAZE: Well, it's... My origin story, miss. After all, you're a guardian and guardians are meant to help people who need it...


Vaiana, Adeline, Ashlynn and Daria are getting ready for combaty stuff.

ASHLYNN: I can't believe it...
VAIANA: Maze would never hurt anyone...
ADELINE: It's not like her...
DARIA: Why was she fighting Gemma?
ADELINE: Now everyone's going to hate our team! We'll have no friends and they'll say team 11 sends people to heaven.
DARIA: That's a bit extreme.
ASHLYNN: I'm sorry I failed you...
VAIANA: What did you do wrong?
ASHLYNN: I'm the team leader... I should've noticed... But I'll do my best to help the team, even if you decide you wish to have me replaced with a new team leader.
ADELINE: Nobody's blaming you, Ashlynn. None of us foresaw this.
DARIA: What was she doing with Gemma though?
ASHLYNN: Oh, shoot. We've got five minutes 'till we've got to be down.
VAIANA: Don't we have another 15?
ASHLYNN: It's that workshop.
ADELINE: Shoot, I forgot.
VAIANA: Do you think Maze will be there?
ADELINE: No idea. Her punishment could be not being allowed to go.

Daria laughs.

DARIA: That's a punishment?
ADELINE: It might be... Daria. Go back into nice mode.
DARIA: Urgh, fine.


Principal Ferran looks shocked, Maze unhappy.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: Well, I didn't believe you at first but you've certainly proven that what you say is true... But what do you want from me?
MAZE: Well... I'd like to know if you know of any... Questionable cases or news reports including a Maze Parks or anyone who vaguely resembles me.
PRINCIPAL FERRAN: Do you want a guardian to look into it?
MAZE: I don't know... In a way, I feel like I should be the one looking into it... But...
PRINCIPAL FERRAN: Often, when trauma is involved, it is best to leave it to someone else. I will find somebody, Miss Parks, I'm sure the league of guardians will allow this.
MAZE: Thank you.

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