Episode 13: A temporary farewell

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The class is sat in the classroom. Prof. Walson is in front of them all.

PROF. WALSON: Since this is your last lesson before your mid-year break, I wanted take a few minutes to talk to you. You've all come so far already. You're no longer the kids you were when you arrived, you're turning into true guardians. You've all made me proud.

Clara stands up.

CLARA: As class representative, I think I speak for everyone when I thank you for all your guidance, miss. I doubt any other teacher could have taught us so much.

Clara sits back down.

PROF. WALSON: Thank you, miss Girane. So that you know, next term we will begin to focus on fighting with other weapons as well as hand to hand combat. You will also go on your first mission.
MANUEL: Woooo!

The bell rings.

PROF. WALSON: Well, I've got nothing else to say apart from enjoy your holidays. You deserve it. Don't forget anything you need at home here and don't pack your weapons yet! Tomorrow each team will be assigned a team to fight against to show your parents what you've achieved this year! Have fun!

The class walks out. Background changes to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - HALL - DAY. Team 8 is walking.

HAYDEN (to Eliana): I'm going to miss you in the holidays.
ELIANA: I'll miss you too. I'll miss you all.
AMBER (to Alexander): What have you got planned in the holidays?
ALEXANDER: I'm not sure but I have a feeling I'll spend most of it with Lily and Adeline.
AMBER: Not at home?
ALEXANDER: No. I know my parents are going through a divorce and I'd rather avoid them.
AMBER: I can't believe they'd be so selfish.
ALEXANDER: What do you mean?
AMBER: Well, in Kalonst anyone who gets divorce is no longer a member of society.
ALEXANDER: Well, it isn't like that where I come from. I pity you, Kalonst is harsh. You still have a absolute monarchy.

Amber sighs.

AMBER: The media overexaggerates the situation. It isn't absolutism.
ALEXANDER: You say tomato, I say tomato.

Amber rolls her eyes.

AMBER: Things are way more chill then they sound. Besides, I thought divorce is illegal in Samok.
ALEXANDER: Samok isn't my home.


Team 11 is eating desert, apart from Maze.

VAIANA: I can't believe it's our last night together.
MAZE: Well, not you and I's...
ADELINE: Where are you two going again?
MAZE (over the top): Lamer's Home for Homeless Teens.
DARIA: That name makes you two sound like you've thrown your life away...
MAZE: That's what I said!
VAIANA: Well, it's slightly true in my case...
ASHLYNN: Do you ever think about looking for Lorsten?

Vaiana shakes her head.

VAIANA: Lorsten is part of my past and I want to leave my past behind me.
ASHLYNN: But our past makes us who we are... Are you sure it's a good idea to push it away?
MAZE: Daria, what are you going to do in the holidays?
DARIA: I don't know... Train...?
ASHLYNN: Have you got anything planned with your parents?
ADELINE: How about you, Ashlynn?
ASHLYNN: Hayden and I are going to a wedding. We're bridesmaids.

ADELINE: That's nice! It's been ages since I've been to a wedding! Whose wedding is it?
ASHLYNN: Uh, I'm not actually entirely sure if I'm completely honest.
VAIANA: I didn't know you were capable of using so many filler words in one sentence.
ASHLYNN: Neither did I, in all honesty.

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