Episode 4: Lessons We Have To Learn

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Hayden, Eliana and Amber are fast asleep. Pop music plays. Hayden stirs, Eliana jumps up and starts singing along.

HAYDEN: Again...!? Make it stop. It sound like a rainbow kitten barfed music.
HAYDEN: Eliana...!

Eliana stops the music.

ELIANA: We need to get up though. We've got to eat breakfast in twenty minutes and afterwards (each word more excited than the last) we've got our first lessons.
HAYDEN: Urgh... I hate school.
ELIANA: I copied our timetable. We've got a double lesson of history first, followed by guardian studies.
HAYDEN: What even is that?
ELIANA: One of the few things about guardians I don't know. Then we've got a lesson of weapon studies, followed by a double lesson of athletics. Then in afternoon, after lunch, we've got a lesson of combat.
HAYDEN: Well, at least we've got three lessons out on the field. That's something.
ELIANA: But leeeeeessooooons! What's so great about guardians is that they fight with the brain, not just their body.
HAYDEN: Last time I checked the brain was part of the body.
ELIANA: You know what I mean.
HAYDEN: Yes, I do.

Hayden smiles at Eliana.

ELIANA: Amber? You awake?

Silence. Eliana climbs down and winks at Hayden.

ELIANA: I get to see the guys while they're still sleeping.
HAYDEN: Who needs guys?
ELIANA: They've got abs.
HAYDEN: So do I. And I'm not so sure about Nicolas...
ELIANA: He's a guardian, sure he does.

Eliana picks out some clothes.

HAYDEN: Why don't you just use our bathroom anyway?
ELIANA: 'Cause I wouldn't mind seeing Nicolas or Alex shirtless. Also, then you can use our bathroom and we'll be done earlier!
HAYDEN: I think I can wait 'till you're done.
ELIANA: Nah. Besides, you can wake Amber up.

Eliana walks out and Hayden watches her go.


Amber, Hayden, Eliana, Alexander and Nicolas are sat at the table.

ALEXANDER: Can you please use your own bathroom in future?
NICOLAS: I don't mind it.
ALEXANDER: She almost decapitated me with you scythe.
AMBER: I can't believe I slept through that...
ELIANA: I didn't know you two had boobytrapped the room!
HAYDEN: I told you not to go.

Vaiana, Daria, Ashlynn, Adeline and Maze walk in.

ALEXANDER: I wish I were in a team with Adeline. She's never decapitated me before.
NICOLAS: I wish I were on a team with Adeline too.
ELIANA: Nobody's ever decapitated you!
HAYDEN: She has a point.
ELIANA: Besides, I think we can all agree that the person in the wrong here was Nicolas.
ELIANA: Whose scythe almost decapitated Alexander?

Amber giggles.

HAYDEN: Go, Eli!
NICOLAS: You're ganging up on me too?
AMBER: To be honest, I feel like whatever weapon Nicolas had, Eliana would find a way to almost decapitate Alex.
ALEXANDER: Thank you, Amber, that's of great comfort to me.
NICOLAS: At least she's on my side.
AMBER: Though Alex, you should have the reflexes to save yourself.
ALEXANDER: In my sleep!? Well, I don't care, it's three against two. Eliana, you therefore-
ELIANA: I count double.

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