Episode 2: Together

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Adeline, Vaiana, Hayden, Ashlynn and Brittney are inside. Adeline is texting, Vaiana is anxious and Hayden and Ashlynn are getting out there weapons. Brittney reveals her weapon (metallic claws).

HAYDEN: Why am I not surprised?
BRITTNEY: A good weapon reflects the guardian's personality.
HAYDEN: They always say that, but does that mean somebody with a dagger is a backstabber?

Adeline frowns, her eyes drifting to her dagger.

VAIANA (concerned): It's mildly concerning if claws reflect your personality.

ASHLYNN: I think a weapon is supposed to either be a representation of somebody's character or something they're entirely comfortable with.
ADELINE: Yeah, aren't there people who claim that you can determine someone's personality from their weapon? Like, sword is noble and proud, dagger is brave and smart...
HAYDEN: A bow and arrow is strategic and loyal...
ASHLYNN: A crossbow is calm and prejudiced.

Brittney rolls her eyes.

BRITTNEY: I'm going down. I don't want to be late!
HAYDEN: I thought people like you want to be fashionably late?
BRITTNEY: Well, then you're wrong. Besides, just because I like to seem like your stereotypical popular girl, doesn't mean I am one. Otherwise I wouldn't be at a combat school now, would I?

She leaves and Hayden pulls an irritated face.


Eliana is showing off her shield to Maze.

ELIANA: Just look at her! This baby's saved my life several times!
MAZE: I bet. It's pretty cool.
ELIANA: Just cool? She's amazing! Have you ever seen anyone quite as beautiful?

The view changes to Adeline, who approaches Fred, Alexander and Nicolas. Nicolas is the only one with a visible weapon. He's trying to look strong and cool with his scythe, but looks like he's struggling a bit.

ADELINE: Nice scythe.
NICOLAS: You like it, huh? It's pretty cool.
ADELINE: Sure... Though I don't particularly like scythes... They're too big.

Nicolas looks annoyed/embarrassed. Amber walks up to them, carrying her whip.

ADELINE: Woah, I wouldn't have imagined you with one of those, Amber.
AMBER: Yeah, it tends to surprise people... My roommates couldn't quite believe it, but what can I say... We work well together.
ALEXANDER: What's Daria's weapon?
AMBER: Classic sword.
ALEXANDER: I've always wanted to try one of those out... Maybe I should ask her.
AMBER: Yeah...
NICOLAS: But she might stab your eyes out.
AMBER: Unfortunately... Well, I just wanted to wish you guys good luck.
ADELINE: From me too.
FRED: I have no idea who these people are, but sure, good luck.
NICOLAS: Good luck, Adeline. If we're lucky we'll be on the same team.

Amber walks away. Prof. Veela clears her throat.

PROF. VEELA: Good morning, first year students. Principal Ferran unfortunately isn't with us, so I've been left to speak... We will split you into four groups since we have four activities. You will find out what these activities are once you reach your destination or, in the case of activity number 4, on your way. Group 1 will be accompanied by Professor Burns, group 2 by Professor Thorn, group 3 by Professor Vine and group 4 by me. Miss Oswald has name stickers for you which include your group number. Are there any questions? (Pause) Good. Good luck, everybody!

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