Episode 9: Lose You

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Adeline, Ashlynn, Maze and Vaiana are in bed. Vaiana wakes up and gazes at Daria's bed which is empty. She sighs.

ASHLYNN (whispering): She accidentally woke me when she left. She came back pretty late and left first thing.
VAIANA: Any idea where she went?
ASHLYNN: No. But the good news is I don't think she should be able to hide anymore.
VAIANA: Why not?
ASHLYNN: Well, she can't sit at a different table at breakfast, there are only 5 chairs.

Background switches to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - CAFETERIA - DAY. Ashlynn, Adeline, Maze and Vaiana are sat at the table.

ASHLYNN: I'm sure she'll turn up any minute now.
ADELINE: Are you? I'm not.
VAIANA: Do we even want her to turn up...?
ASHLYNN: Guys! We need to stick together. We're a team.
ADELINE: She's the one who is avoiding us.

Fred appears.

FRED: Uh... Hey...
ADELINE (slightly panicked): Fred! Nice to see you.
FRED: Brittney and Gemma suggested I sit here... So that Daria can sit with them.

Vaiana sighs and Maze is hurt.

ADELINE: She's with Brittney!?
FRED: I guess... I-
MAZE: So they're her real friends. I feel sorry for her.

Fred sits down.

ADELINE: How are you doing, Fred?
FRED: Oh, you know... Could be better.
ADELINE: Your team's treating you well, right?
ASHLYNN: They just sent him away so that they can sit with Daria.
ADELINE: You have a point...
FRED: Well, they don't appreciate having one of the few fat kids in the school in the team.
ADELINE: I thought the body positivity thing had spread out...
FRED: Well, even though it has, stereotypical guardians are thin.
ASHLYNN: That has a reason. We have to be fit.
FRED: I am fit... I just eat a lot.


The class is sat with their textbooks out. Prof. Salod is just putting down their bag.

PROF. SALOD: Right, class! Some of you may have heard that, like every year, we have reached the point where personality building overlaps with you combat class.
GEMMA (to Daria): Oh no, she's going to ruin fighting for us.

Daria giggles.

PROF. SALOD: Miss Chase! I don't recall having said anything funny.
DARIA: I... Everything you say is a complete joke.

Vaiana, Storm and Adeline are shocked. Gemma smirks, Brittney is entertained.

PROF. SALOD: Miss Chase. Detention.
DARIA: So what?
PROF. SALOD: Anyway, tomorrow afternoon, your normal classes will be cancelled. You will have a combat class with Professor Walson and I. We're going to work on team moves.
BULL: Wooo!

Hayden and Eliana smile at each other.

PROF. SALOD: Each team will be assigned a certain time for a private lesson. Professor Walson will give you these times in your combat class today. Now, let's get started.


Amber, Adeline and Alexander are walking.

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