2. Gumption

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Graduation had come and gone and the day that I was supposed to gather my things and chase my dreams had long passed. I was the picture of misery. No one had to say anything, I could just see the pity on evryone's face. They didn't have a clue as to what was going on but my pitiful look was hard to ignore.

A week had passed since i'd left the house and my dad was sick of it.

"Yes Papi?"
"Come here!", he yelled, a bit angrily.
I was feeling extra sorry for my self that day and had only left the bed once to go pee. I hadn't even brushed my teeth.
"I don't wanna get out of bed Papi can't you just come in here and talk to me?" I yelled back hoping he would take pity and let me stay in bed.
"Maria get out here now!" I guess pity was out of the picture.
"Okay." i murmured back not caring if he heard me. I know i have no right to be mad but I still feel some resentment toward him for keeping me here. I know it isn't his fault and that he was doing everything he could to help mom but she still died and now i can't even escape the place that reminds me of her slow and painful death everyday.

I finally reach the living room and the what i see is enough to shake me from my thoughts. In the living room are, what it seems like, all the suitcases we've ever owned on the floor. I look up to my dad for an explanation, but he just stares back at me.
Finally i ask, "What's going on? Are you going somewhere?"
"No," he says, "but you are."
Now i'm confused
"What do you mean I'm going somewhere?"
"Maria, ever since you were a little girl you had big dreams that you would become an actress and leave this little town, and as you grew up I could see how happy you were knowing that each day you were one step closer to following your dreams, and then I saw the day you lost all hope, because there was no money left. Honey, you always knew what you wanted to do with your life and you were ready and willing to follow your dream no matter what it took. And now you've just given up. I can't stand to see you spend your days holed up in this house wallowing in your self pity. So pack your things because you're going to California. I've got about $3,000 saved up and I was going to use it for the business, but I want you to take it and move to California."

I stand there, jaw to the floor, shocked. I don't even know what to say, for a split-second I imagine myself in California, pursuing my dreams and a smile starts to cross my face but it quickly disappears when the image of Papi struggling to keep the store open pops into my head.
"Papi, I can't."
"Why can't you? What else are you doing?"
"Papi, I can't just go and take your money and leave you struggling."
"Well, how about this, I'm taking away your choice in the matter. Pack your bags because you can't live here anymore. I wan't you gone by the end of the week and I'll make sure that no one in town will let you stay with them because you are going to follow your dream Y ese es el final de esta discusión!" I stand there shocked because whenever my father started to speak Spanish he meant business, not knowing whether I should be upset or grateful I was standing in the middle of the living room with my mouth glued to the floor, soon I came back to my senses and gratefulness won out. And in an instant I run to my dad and embrace him. He returns the hug and whispers,

"This is what your mother would have wanted."
Those words give me the strength I needed and in at that moment I know I'm going to California to chase my dreams.


It's about two in the morning and I'm just leaving the office, I text Megan apologizing for canceling our date but before I send it I stop. Too nice, she might get the wrong idea, I'll just talk to her tomorrow, I erase the text and get in the car to drive home.
The truth is I really don't even like Megan and I've been meaning to end things with her but I just haven't had the time. I was going to tell her tonight but work ran late. Girls like Megan have no substance. All they have is the looks and status but I can't even hold a real conversation with any of them.

I arrive home and go inside, I flick on the lights and what I see scares me a bit. I'm a slob. I try to keep things in order as much as I can but I never have time to clean because of work. I think it's time I break down and finally hire a maid. I don't want to be seen like i'm using my money and status to exploit others and show off like my father, but I can't keep the place clean myself and I don't like the fact that my home looks like a pig pen. It's time to bring in a maid.

Hey guys! What did you think about this chapter? Are you glad Maria's finally gonna go to California? What do you think of Johnny? I definitely feel a meet up coming on! How do you guys picture Maria and Johnny meeting? Leave comments and questions on the story and even suggestions of how you would like things to go.
Thanks for reading and as always
Xoxo, purplerose21

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