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It's the day of the meeting and I'm a nervous wreck. I woke up an hour late and I can't find my good interview shoes.
What am I going to say to him? How is he going to respond? Do I really already have the job or is he just getting my hopes up...

Thoughts like these fill my head as I'm getting ready for the meeting. The stress is starting to get to me, I can feel my anxiety levels rising.
Maria, chica consigue un poco de paz  mi dios.
I need to calm down so I breath really deeply and exhale for seven seconds just like mama taught me when I was a kid.
"Okay girl, you got this... and even if you don't, what's the worst that could happen?... You get fired from a job that you never even worked. That's not so bad..." Wow... that was really bad, I think my frown got deeper than it was BEFORE the pep talk. Wow, that's what I came up with. I wish I had an Alexa just so I could tell her to remind me to NEVER give pep talks because that was actually tragic, but I have the next best thing.
"What why?" She surprises me as she's come to the doorway and is looking at me with a knowing smile.
"Are you psyching yourself out again? Because hun the job is literally already yours, the only thing stopping you now... is you. Now stop freaking out and go be the amazingly talented woman that I know you to be. And hurry up or you're going to be late."
Wow what is this feeling? Is it motivation? So this is what a pep talk is supposed to do! Now I know for sure I did it wrong.
Somehow in the midst of pep talks I've found my good interview shoes and my blouse is clean and ironed. I am officially ready to go slay this interview.
"Yea definitely don't let me give anymore pep talks." Those are my last words to Jules as I leave the apartment and head towards the meeting.


I've been sitting at the Starbucks I gave Maria's friend the address to for about an hour and I know these people think I'm crazy. I've been pacing back and forth so much that I'm pretty sure the baristas are contemplating cutting me off and I don't blame them. It's just that I can't stop thinking that I've gone about this all the wrong way. I know I need a maid, but should I really hire someone who I find attractive, is this really a good idea? On the other hand what if she's only coming here to turn down the job? Then I'll end of looking crazy and feeling embarrassed. I don't know what I'm stressing about more: her taking the job or her turning it down.

You know if she does take the job you could never date her because then she would be a maid and the press would have a field day with that. But if she doesn't take the job  and finds out who I am she could try to use my name to gain notoriety. What do I really know about this girl? Can I trust her not to air out my dirty laundry... literally and figuratively. This was a bad idea, maybe I should go and just call to tell her that I filled the posit...

"Mr. Richardson... Mr. Richardson?" Just as I have made up my mind to jet a voice interrupts my thoughts and I look to see the very person I was hoping to avoid. 

"Mr. Richardson?"

"Oh yes hi Ms..."

"Jackson, Ms. Jackson."

"Yes, Ms. Jackson, how are you today?" I stretch out my hand to shake hers and she grasps my hand in a firm handshake.

"I'm okay, how are you, you seemed a little lost in thought when I first arrived?"

"Oh I'm fine as well I was just thinking over some important proposals that I need to look over." I quickly lie and hope that she buys it.

"Oh wow, I don't mean to keep you from your work!" She says completely buying it. Phew. 

"It's fine let's just get right to it..." I almost forgot to turn on the arrogance everyone expects from me. 


Rude.. ughhh.. SO RUDE!  That's all I can think as I sit across from this arrogant son of a gun. He acts like I should be worshiping the ground he walks on. I mean sure I can tell he comes from wealth and here I am in my Payless heels, but that's no reason for him to act like he's God's gift to the world. 

"So honestly, I'm doing you a favor by giving you the chance to work for me. You'll receive benefits including health insurance and Holiday bonuses and if I see that you're responsible and trustworthy, we can talk about giving you more responsibility and ultimately a pay raise." I just want to wipe the smug look right off of his face, but I can't lie the starting pay is better than any of the other jobs I've applied to and I receive benefits with a chance to increase my pay. I literally cannot afford to turn this job down. I can't keep having Julie cover my rent and hers. Gosh, but he's so arrogant and I don't want to give him the satisfaction.


I know I probably sound like a real jerk and part of me wants her to slap me in the face or throw her drink at me and walk out of this place with her head held high, but I can't lie another part... a larger part of me really wants her to take the job. I hate that I have to be like this but too many people have taken advantage of the nice and friendly Johnny. I just hope I've offered her a salary that she can't refuse.


No es sobre tu. Right. It's not just about me... I take a deep breathe. This is for you Jules.

" When can I start?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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