4. Chance Encounters

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I open my eyes right before my alarm goes off. I don't even look at the time because I know it's 6 AM. I've always been an early riser, but since I've been in California I haven't needed to get up so early. I have to admit it feels good to be getting back to my old self. I can feel some of my old confidence starting to filter back in and theres a buzz that I can't explain. I'm ready to take on the day and kill these interviews.

After getting dressed I make my way to the kitchen. I check the time on the stove and see that I still have an hour and a half before the first interview so I decide to get breakfast.

Julie comes out while I'm in the middle of making the eggs looking groggy from sleep.

"Hey sleepy head!" My voice is loud and startling even to my own ears.

"Sorry, I'm just extra chipper this morning."

"I forgot you were a morning person." She says whilst coming to sit at the breakfast bar.

"Yea, back at home I used to wake up at five because my dad had to leave early to open up his shop and I wanted to spend some time with him before he left, so I guess you could say that made me a morning person." I finish up the eggs and divide them onto two plates. Then I get perfectly browned toast from the toaster and put it on one of the plates.

"Did you want toast?" Julie looks at my toast and shakes her head.

"Not toast like that. I like my toast burn't and crispy." As she walks over to the toaster I cringe. Burnt toast... Egh.

By the time we finish eating breakfast it's time for me to go if I don't want to be late to my first interview. California traffic could be a real pain sometimes. Usually everywhere I went was close enogh to walk to, but I didn't want to show up for an interview and kill the employer with my body odor, so I decided that I would use an Uber to get around today. Better safe than smelly.

My Uber arrives in five minutes and off I go. The first interview is at Papaya clothing. I'm really excited about this one because I absolutely adore their clothes and I'm always in there for hours on end so if I could get paid to spend time there that would be even better.

"Hello, welcome to Papaya Clothing! Can I help you?" A woman who looks to be in her mid forties approaches me with a wide smile on her face as I enter the store.

"Hi, yes I'm here to meet with Brenda for an interview" I smile back. An even bigger smile lights up her face and she thrusts her hand towards me.

"Well look at that, I'm Brenda. Brenda Harris and you must be Maria. Nice to meet you."  I take her hand and shake it firmly.

"Nice to meet you too." She then leads me to her office so that we can begin the interview.

By the time I leave Papaya I am on Cloud Nine. The interview went great and I could really see myself working there. Brenda even told me that I would be a welcome addition to their staff. I feel like this job is a sure thing but this is California and nothing is ever really a sure thing so....

To the next interview I go.

When I finally reach the coffeeshop I smile instantly. This place has such great coffee and this is where I met Julie. Sure the pay would be mediocre, but I just need a place to start.

I walk inside and am greeted by the familiar frenzy that is Starbucks.


So far so good.

I've interviewed three out of the six applicants I requested and I gotta say it was a much better turnout today. These people were nice and normal. They didn't look like they wanted to beat me over the head with a rock so that was good.

The third interviewee just left and I need more coffee. I hurry to get into line before too many more people can come in.

Sure I could use my billionare status to get special treatment and have all the coffee I want in no time, but I don't wanna be that guy who uses his wealth and status to exploit others. In fact i'm really hoping none of these people read BagMag which names me as one of the top ten sexiest bachelors. I'm trying to keep my cover...

My thoughts are cut off by someone bumping into me. I turn to see a young woman telling the man behind her to 'settle down the coffee isn't going anywhere'. The man looks annoyed but settles down nonetheless, when she finally turns to me I see that she is a young woman who looks to be in her early twenties. She has dark brown skin with black curly hair and the fiercest eyes I've ever seen, no wonder that man settled down. She looks as though she is about to say something to me when

"Julie?" someone calls. She turns and I look, curious to see who has called her.

"Maria? Hey! I didn't know this was one of your interviews."

"Yea, I wasn't going to come but I thought why not" She says and then turns toward the front of the line and that's when I get a good look at her. She's about 5'7' with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. She has mocha skin and appears to be of latin heritage. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.


I didn't think to send an email and ask whether there would be someone I should look for to do my interview or if I just had to wait in line and ask the cashier when I reached the register. Since I did not plan ahead I was  stuck with one option.

The line.

Of course today was even busier than usual and the line was almost at the door.

I'm still standing in line thinking about what I could say to make sure that my interview goes well and that the interviewer will remember me when I hear a commotion up ahead. When I look up I see curls that look familiar and then I hear a woman's voice saying 'Settle down the coffee isn't going anywhere' and I know exactly who it is.

"Julie?" I yell making my way over to her.
"Maria?" After we chat for a bit I turn to see the man in front of her is staring at me. I take a moment to give him a once over. He's about 6'2 with golden skin. I can't quite get a hold on his ethnicity, but he has sea green eyes and looks to die for.
He's absolutely gorgeous.

Too bad I didn't come to California looking for a relationship.

Hello Everyone! How did you like this chapter. Maria and Johnny have finally seen eachother!!!
What do you guys think will happen next?

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Thanks for reading! It really means alot!

As always,
Xoxo, Purplerose21

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