6. Thinking

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This Mr. Richardson guy offered me a job two days ago and I still don't know what to do. I was going to call and decline that same day but Julie talked me out of it.
"That's really good money Maria," she said. "You should really consider taking the offer."
And of course she was right the money was perfect but it wasn't what I wanted to do and the manager from Papaya Clothing said she would contact me in a couple days. What if I took his offer and then they offered me a job? Everything would just be too complicated, so I'm going to wait, just a few more days. Not because i'm procrastinating or because i'm nervous about what could happen; only because I want to keep my options open. Yeah that's why.


She still hasn't called. It's been two days and she still hasn't called. I don't know what to do. I would call her but I never got her number and all romantic feelings aside I really do need a maid soon. I don't know whether she has taken another job or what and i've been so desparate to talk to her that the other day I saw a woman who looked like her from behind and I practically fell trying to reach her only to find out it wasn't Maria after I received a very nasty look and a raised finger that wasn't the pointer.

I just need her to call me. I'll give it a couple more days and then I've gotta hire someone else. Man I really hope she calls.


I'm gonna call.
The rep from Papaya just offered me the job but I would only be making $10.50 an hour and as much as I would love to work there, it would be an amazing job, I just can't afford to take a job that pays so little.
I really didn't want to have to go through with this, I was really hoping I wouldn't ever have to see this guy again, but I have no other choice. I need the money and he had the highest offer.
Here goes nothing.
I grab the phone and reach into my purse to retrieve the now dented card.
"655-403-1879" I recite the number and press dial.
As the phone rings I have second thoughts and quickly hang up the phone as Julie knocks on my door.

"Yes?" I yell.
"Did you want some of this pasta?" she asks she lays eyes on the unmistakeable card of the mystery man aka Mr. Richardson.
"Ohmygosh are you calling him for the job!?"

"I was but now I'm not sure it's the best idea maybe I should just take the job at Papaya's."

"No! Sure it's better than cleaning but think about it Marie you would be making more with hours that are more flexible which means you can work around your auditions. Come on Marie you wouldn't be able to do those things with a regular retail job that only pays $10.50 an hour. You would have to get a whole new job. So you would have two jobs while still trying to audition for acting gigs and that would just be too much hun. You need to take this job. It's your best option."

"Well when you put it like that I have no other choice but to take the job. Alright I'm gonna call"

"Good, plus let's be honest that guy is not harsh on the eyes at all. At least you'll have some eye candy while you work."

"I hardly know the guy Julie, that's not what I'm focused on I'm just gonna take this job until acting takes off for me.... Okay I'm gonna make the call"

"Alright you got this hun." she ends the conversation as she walks out of the room.

"And yes I do want some of that pasta!" I yell after her. Then I look back at the phone amd dial the number once again.

As the phone rings my hands become clammy oh what am I doing? What am I gonna say? I'm about to chicken out and end the call again when a hear a voice from the other end of the line.
"Hello" It's him and all of a sudden I don't know what to say.
"Hello, is anyone there?" He says a bit confused.
I remain in a stunned silence trying to gather my thoughts like I didn't know this conversation is coming. Pull Yourself Together! I mentally slap myself and get into gear for the conversation ahead. I take a deep breath.
"Hello?" I respond. Here goes nothing.

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