3. Struggle

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It has been three months and my search for a maid has been fruitless and my living situtuation is almost unbearable. I tried to make time to clean but everytime something comes up. I need to find someone to help fast. I was trying to go about it the personal way asking around if anyone knew any good cleaners but no one knew any in the area who could work the hours I needed. So i've decided to post out an ad online and see what happens. Hopefully it won't bring crazy people to my door. I pull out my laptop and post the ad within minutes. It was easier than I expected. Now I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.


The bright sun in no way reflects my mood as I  walk out of yet another audition where the part "just wasn't right for me". It's been months since I moved to California and finding an acting job has proved harder than expected. I don't know what to do every audition there are so many others trying for the same part and it seems like even auditioning anymore is pointless. Everyone seems to have had the same idea: move to California and chase the dream of acting. Unfortunately the American dream road is pretty populated which means more competition for me, with people who are just as determined as I am. I knew it would be hard but I didn't realize just how hard. After securing  a place to stay Iio1 only had about $2000 left and that is quickly running out. I need a job. I pull out my laptop and look for help wanted ads and soon enough I've applied for ten different jobs ranging from customer service to waitressing and even to maid services,... what can I say I'm desperate.


Not even a full day after i posted the ad i am eager to check the results to see if any one replied to it. I click off the exel spreadsheet i was proofing and click over to my email to see if i recieved any messages and i am shocked. Not a full 24 hours had passed and already 20 people have responded to my ad. Quickly I responded to the first 5 after looking over their profiles, telling them to meet me at the nearest Starbucks for an interview. Afterall I couldn't have complete strangers knowing where i lived. After responding i close out the link satisfied that I'm one step closer to a clean home.


Ping... Ughhh what even is that?
I've been hearing a ping in my apartment for the last two hours. I asked Julie, my roomate who I met at a coffee shop and who is absolutely amazing, if she knew what it was but she was just as confused as I was. After a couple more minutes, I was too frustrated to even think so I began searching for the source of the sound.
After about an hour of me crawling on the floor and recieving confused looks from Julie to which I answered, "must find the sound" like a complete baboon, I gave up. Crawling to my computer I settled down and opened it up.
Ping... Oh my freaking gosh!
"It was coming from my computer the entire time!" I scream startling Julie and mentally face palming myself.
I looked to see what could be causing  my computer to continuously ping and i see that it's my email notifications. Getting excited I open the tab but I am quickly disappointed. I thought the notifications were responses to my recent auditions.
"Why the long face?" I look up to see Julie staring at me with concern.
"Oh it's nothing, I just thought that I had been recalled for a second audition in at least one of the plays I tried out for last week." She sighs
"Still no word?"
"Nothing, not even a call to reject me personally. Complete radio silence."
"I'm sure everything will work out," she smiles, " You are such a talanted actress and I know you'll get a part soon." See this is why I needed someone like Julie here with me. To keep me motivated. I knew from the moment we bumped into eachother at Starbucks that she would be such a great friend to have and once we got to talking and she told me she was looking for a roomate I had the greatest idea.
"What if we became roomates?" i proposed hopeful. "I know we just met, but  you're looking for a roomate and I need someone to helpout with the rent until I can get an acting job. It would be the perfect set up!" I rushed on. At first she just sat their puzzled, then she thought about it and smiled.
"Let's do it." She said and from that point I knew we would be the best of friends.

"Maria... Maria... Hello. Anybody home?" I come back from my thoughts to see Julie waving a hand in my face.
"Whoa I thought I lost you there" she chuckles.
"Sorry, just got lost in my thoughts" I chuckle back.
"Seriously, Maria don't even worry about it, things will work out. You'll have an acting job in no time." I sure hoped so cause if I didn't Papi would be in for a Maria sized surprise.


They're all crazy! Every single last candidate I brought in for an interview looked like they would either steal everything I owned or kill me in my sleep. I thought while openning my computer. There has to be some sane person who can clean my house. I check my email again and look at the next batch of candidates. After a CAREFUL review I email 6 of the next ten applicants and request an interview. Let's hope these people are normal, because I really don't have the time to be using my lunch break to interview people. I usually work through my lunch, so I'm losing valuable hours right now. I need to find someone, and fast.


During my emotional rollercoaster: from excited to crestfallen in 60 seconds, I had completely forgotten to actually open my emails so I grab my computer. As soon as I open it I recieve an alert, it's a request for an interview and once I finish checking my other emails I see that I have four other requests all for tomorrow.
"Looks like tomorrow's going to be a busy day." I say to no one in particular. For some reason I'm excited, even though none of the jobs are acting related I'm excited for these interviews, maybe because I finally have something to look forward to.

After getting out my clothes for the next day and skipping dinner. I go to bed content and ready for the next day.

Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter. I'm kinda feeling bad for Maria and even Johnny!
What do you guys think of Julie?
Please vote and comment on my story! I really want you guys' feedback!
Thanks for reading! And as always
Xoxo, Purplerose21

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