The nightmares and the greeting

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AN-this is the first proper chapter. The story arc is in my head and I'm still writing it into pages. The paragraphs are gonna overlap a little bit, because I think it flows better. I have tried to make Eleven as close to the show as possible, but tell me if he isn't quite right. Like I have said it is set after TATM, but he has kept Amelia's and Roranicus' desktop, whilst being in the series 7 outfit (after the snowmen). Check me out on Tumblr, its Ikari-Whovian. I have also posted this on Please Comments are appreciated, it would help me out a lot with this story. Thanks.

Part 1-The most important thing in the universe.

The nightmares, and the greeting.


I've lost them. Amy and Rory, gone. Why did this happen? Why did it happen to them!? They would want me to move on, but I can't. Not this time. I think I'm just going to find a quiet place to carry on with my life, and stop travelling.

"Right then old girl, take me somewhere quiet." I ask dejectedly. I'm giving up. There's no point anymore. Not now, I've lost too many, I won't lose anymore. Wait a minute. I'm getting a message.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." I shout, the psychic paper's never been burning hot before. Must be important. Right, let's have a look.

Will someone help me. They never stop, the nightmares, they never leave. Someone, anyone make them stop, please. I'm begging you.

"Change of plan Sexy, follow the signal that sent this message." I really hope this isn't George again, I can't face him without Amy and Rory. Whoever sent this must be either, desperate or powerful. I hope it isn't another Tenza child, that could be tricky. Once I've landed I will see where I am and hopefully figure out how this mystery works. Yes that's my plan of action. Right sonic, check, bow tie, check, keys, check. Lets go find out what's going on.


I always wake up the same, screaming, drenched in sweat and panicking. Im lucky if I get more than 3/4 hours sleep a night. All because of the nightmares. I can't take it anymore though, they 're getting worse every, single night.

"Will someone help me. They never stop, the nightmares, they never leave. Someone, anyone make them stop, please. I'm begging you." I whisper to myself knowing that no help will come. The time is...3:30am (AN- all of the times I use, unless off of earth, are to GMT.) Great. May as well get up, I'm not going to get anymore sleep tonight. I decide to have some porridge with currants, apple and honey for breakfast, with a cup of tea. Hopefully it will keep me going till lunch. I try to make sense of the nightmare, but it still makes no sense. I can't tell my parents because they'll only send me to another psychiatrist, even though they don't help. Oh well, I better just try to soldier on.

It's now 8:30am and it feels like noon to me. But to everyone else it's morning, thanks crappy internal body clock.

"Mow." Says my cat, Merlin desperately. He's after his breakfast. I wish that I was a cat, that way I might get some more sleep.

"There ya go, fatty." One of his many nicknames. I don't know why I talk to him, he can't answer. It's probably due to my lack of sleep. Wait, did someone just knock.

Knock, knock, knock.

Yep, better go answer that. I open the door to see the most ridiculous looking man in my entire life.

"Can I help you?" I really hope he's a door salesman so he can leave soon.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor, and I've come about your nightmares." He says. All I can do is stand there and look confused before realising who he is, and faint.


When I leave the TARDIS, my senses tell me that I'm in, 2014. May, 2014, in England, Earth. Right, this is getting more alarming by the minute.

"Judging from the surroundings and lack of noise, we should be in Sheffield. Grenoside to be more precise. Right then." I say, clapping my hands and turning, expecting to see Amy and Rory, but no one's there. I swallow, straighten up, and turn back round, before knocking on the first door I see. When no one answers, I check my watch. 8:30am. I'll try again. Knock, knock knock. This time a girl answers. Probably around 18, has a cat, definitely human, and is the same height as me.

"Can I help you?" She asks. I don't know what to say, um, introductions of course. I feel like face palming for being such an idiot.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor, and I've come about your nightmares." She stares at me in confusion, before becoming wide eyed and then she faints. I rush in and catch her just as she's about to hit her head. I carry her into the living room, and put her down onto the sofa. I feel like I've forgotten something. The front door's still open. I go and shut it. Should I lock it? No, probably, maybe, yes I'm going to lock it. I turn and go back into the living room, to see her still unconscious, she better wake up soon, before I start getting worried.

AN- was it terrible? Did you like it? I hope so. No idea how long this fic's gonna be but, I'm just gonna roll with it.

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