The father and the solution part 1

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AN- This chapter is super duper long, like it is soooo long. I did struggle at the start but it gets better. It's very dialogue heavy.. But before you kill me for this, you get to meet some new characters. Yay, so glad I've managed to get this up before half term. Thank god.

The father and the solution - pt 1.


All I'm able to do is sob into his shoulder. It's actually quite comfortable. Wait, what? He pushes me away carefully, and I see a look of concern on his face. He looks at me, obviously worried.

"Ikari, I don't know what's causing them, but I may as well tell you what my theories are. The creatures in your dreams are all highly dangerous, and are some of my enemies. The statue is a Weeping angel. It is stone when you are looking, but as soon as you look away, or blink they move. Its caused by a quantum lock, but if they look at each other, they can't move. Their greatest asset is also their greatest curse. When they touch you, you get sent back in time to a different decade, and you live to death. They feed of the potential time energy, places you never went, people you never met, a life you never had." He pauses, swallowing and clenching his jaw. They must have taken someone away from him, otherwise he wouldn't be upset. "Hmm well, anyway right, um.. Cybermen, yes. They are humans converted into machines, stripped of all emotions. They either convert you or kill you. Then there's the Dalek, born to hate, its a small tentacled creature inside a metal shell. They live to kill anything, and everything that isn't a Dalek."

"Doctor, there's just 1 thing. Why does the angel stay where it is after I've legged it?"

"Because of the shadows. Well, I say shadows but they're not shadows, its a swarm. A swarm of billions of life forms called Vashta Nerada. Imagine a swarm of locusts, but carnivorous and microscopic, forget that. They're, um, piranhas of the air. But they are usually present in forests, and small clusters, not a huge swarm in an abandoned building."

"Doctor?" I ask, seeing him mutter incoherently to himself.

"Yes, sorry got lost in thought. None of them have the resources, or power to project themselves into a human head for a few seconds, never mind a few minutes, every time you fall asleep. On top of that- wait, did you say that you have brothers.?"

"Yes, four younger brothers 2 of them are my triplets."

"Have they had any nightmare like this?"

"No, it's just me, why is that important?"

"That's bad, that's very bad. There must be something special about you, something that allows them to get into your head. But what? It's not as if you're.." He stops, and hits himself in the forehead.

"Stupid, I'm so stupid! How could I not see it?! It makes perfect sense, but they're just a legend. Well, I suppose I'm a legend. I mean I've.."

"Doctor! What didn't you see?" My mind is racing, it goes from bad, to good, to him being stupid and rambling on aimlessly. But then I suppose he is from a race far older than mine, who travels in a Type 40 TARDIS through the universe saving countless civilisations. Wait, what was that? All I ever got told by Dad was that there was a blue box with the Doctor in who saves planets. That's it, so how do I suddenly know that?! Okay, panicking now.

"Ikari, we need to see your dad." This snaps me back to reality.

"Right, we should go now, he doesn't work on weekends." I say, without thinking.

"Come on then, lets go." He grabs my hand and drags me to the front door.

"Doctor, I'm not wearing any shoes." He stops and looks at my feet before sighing.

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