The breakfast, the trip and the secret.

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AN-this chapter is extremely long and has smut in it. First time atemmpt at smut, so feedback would be appreciated.

Part 2- the chaos of family life.

The breakfast, the trip, and the secret.


It's been 2 weeks since the wrist incident. Ikari is still mad over it, but she is getting better everyday. Her little brothers are brilliant. They're also geniuses, like their siblings. I've learnt a lot of stuff about them in 2 weeks. I feel a pair of hands on my waist.

"Finally, you're awake." She hugs me, before making her tea. "I was bored, so I decided to consider some travelling options." She perks up at that. She turns and looks at me. Her messy bed hair and sleepy morning face is the most beautiful thing out there. I often get lost in her eyes, her big eyes. I smile, knowing that she will always be mine.

"Doctor, you weren't listening, were you?" Damn, I did it again.

"No, I got a little lost in your eyes." She walks over to me and pokes my arm.

"I'll try again. What are these travelling options?" The door behind us opens, and a groan tells us who it is immediately.

"Why can't you both go and be soppy somewhere else?" George moans. He hasn't taken well to our obvious and constant affections. Luke moved out to live with Kara a few days ago. He's very happy. Ikari just gives him her standard 'its bloody obvious' face.

"Because George, I'm still recovering. But I might be going out today, so you'll have the house to yourself. Lucky you. Oh and Mum said to tell you no girls staying for the night. She'll find out and give you a bollocking if you do." Her responses are amazing. They continue to bicker, whilst I start to make us all breakfast. Lets have a look. Ummmm, a ha. Sausages, bacon, do do do, tomatoes. I put the selection on the side, and go in the cupboard to get some beans, a frying pan and some bread for toast. Ikari notices and gets something else out of the fridge. When I go over to see what it is, I don't understand why it's currently on the kitchen side. I look at her and she just goes and gets plates out of the cupboard. What are you? I go into my pocket and fish out my sonic. Lets find out what you are.


I turn round and see him staring at the side with the sonic in his hand. Oh no. I dash over and rescue my black pudding before any harm can be done.

"What are you doing!? Don't sonic my black pudding." George makes a retching sound from the table. "Shut up and read your paper." He is the most annoying out of all my younger brothers. I don't quite understand how, he's the quiet one,

"What on earth is black pudding?" He asks confused. Not again. He barely knows any northern dishes apart from Toad in the hole, shepherd and cottage pie and bangers 'n' mash.

"It's a disgusting amalgamation of boiled pigs blood and fat." Damn it George.

"Urrrghhh. Really Ikari I would've thought that you had a better taste than that. I'm not judging you." I roll my eyes, annoyed and confused.

"So." I say, in between mouthfuls of breakfast. "What are these travelling options?" I ask. He smiles before answering.

"I'll tell you once you've showered." I sigh and finish up. I walk up the stairs exasperated by him. Over the past two weeks he's been worrying about me, and filling me in on the impossible girl.

He went to be a monk, in order to understand her message and find her. He'd only been there a week when she managed to get in touch with the TARDIS. According to him, he saved London and the world from the spoonheads.

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